NIR Therapy

Hello wonderful people,

Has anyone used a Near Infra Red (NIR) or Red Light Therapy with their recovery ? There are many models out there, and I’m wondering if there are any good and encouraging stories of people who have benefitted from one ? if so what model is it ? I will try anything and everything !!

Thanks, Roland

ps. I did a search, but wanted to renew the question, since I have read some good results post stroke

pps. my Radiologist friend spent some time looking up scientific papers and researching the subject; he wrote to me “There is good scientific evidence behind how it works.” So I have ordered a 650 - 850 nm panel which will arrive tomorrow.


for instance, on Amazon, user Scrubbly writes this review (but I don’t give it much authenticity / opinions welcome !) ps. I put the link in to Neurophotonics

In 2016, I was the victim of a severe, disabling stroke, taking away use of the left half my body, and causing intolerable tremors and nerve pain. I was denied NHS deep brain stimulation as treatment …….for credible reasons. But, I have a rare level of intolerance to precription drugs too, leaving me ‘RIGHT UP A GUM TREE’……
So, “Red Light Therapy” was an intriguing discovery, and merited proper homework.
Mark Sloan’s Amazon kindle book on RLT was very informative, and, in turn, prompted lots of research, particularly on “transcranial photobiomodulation”, being trialled elsewhere around the globe for neurological issues and injuries affecting the brain. As a “DIY project”, what did I have to lose?

I started first with the Nebula 300 watt lamp. Then, recognising obvious success, added the 600 watt lamp; and finally the 20 watt belt. I love ‘em all, as they all now have a role in my ongoing treatment. I’m impressed by the construction of these well-made devices, but, more importantly, their effectiveness. Using RLT, I’ve made more progress with stroke recovery, in terms of tremors and pain reduction, in only four weeks, than I had in the previous seven years! I still have a long way to go, but now EXPECT continued improvement using RLT, which has produced no unwanted side-effects whatsoever ……unlike the poisons recommended by my neurologist!

Worth EVERY penny for my renewed ‘joie de vivre’, and the aid to recovery. Thank you, Nebula.

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Never heard of it but a cursory net search says to me it is used for scanning, so not sure how it aids rehabilitation.


There are douzens of near infra-red “radiators” ( RLT / NIR / LLLT / TBM ) on Amazon for instance Nebula LED Red Light Therapy Device 660/850nm Near Infrared Lighting
I think a lot of Forum users here could benefit; here’s 1 of many talks on the subject


This would be part of heliotherapy I guess. Could be interesting to see how it could be used for stroke survivors.


Roland what are you asking about?

Do you mean has anyone tried using NIR on a hand or root to improve function?

Sunlight has been known to be beneficial ‘for ever’. Do you just mean using a heatlamp?

NIR generally has credibility in SKIN improvements and is the basis of various spectroscopy diagnostics & therapies

See for example Frontiers | A Systemic Review of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Stroke: Current Application and Future Directions

No direct experience though



I’m asking whether anyone has used NIR / RLT for therapy. Anyway, my Radiologist friend sent me half a douzen scientific papers on it… all favourable. So I guess it’s a “heads up” post, and an enquiry to see if anyone here has used it for therapy.

I’m not going to spell out how exactly I will be using it or how exactly do others use it, but I’m certainly not talking about spectroscopy. 660nm will penetrate our skull and 850nm EM wavelengths go straight through us (and out the other side). Anyway, sounds like I have drawn a blank, here, so never mind.

ps I have posted an interesting talk on mitochondrial Infra red on the fatigue thread

ciao, Roland

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RLT has opened up my meibomian glands ; I can feel the oils release, today. This is a big deal, because they’ve been closed for 2 years. Can you imagine how happy I am? but disappointment that the eye hospital, 2 ophthalmologists, and others didn’t alert me to this breakthrough therapy. My stroke was 26/42 NIH severity. That’s well beyond serious, and that’s what has driven me to explore many many alternative therapies. Enough said ; my progress is down to my research. On my own.

Now (ignore this at your own peril) I urge people to look into this, because the science behind this technology is valid. I’ve already tried to persuade 1 person to look into the abilities of RLT to increase bone density (and stimulate osteoblast activity). But the truth is much bigger ; it has the potential to do so much more. That’s an understatement.

I am delighted to have discovered RLT and NIR and PBM ; but I’m not going to try and convert anyone, because the world has already woken up to this therapy. There’s a full blown craze going on ! Wakey wakey, folks!!!

Ciao, Roland





Some papers can be found here


TBI[5] therapy

Also many more with a search on Google scholar

  1. Red Light Therpy ↩︎

  2. Near Infra-Red ↩︎

  3. PhotoBioModulation ↩︎

  4. Low Level Laser Therapy ↩︎

  5. traumatic brain injury ↩︎

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For an interesting angle also try this one…


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Yup, Simon,

I know about that one too! Anyway, I leave soon, to get some real sunlight
Ciao, Tutti, R

A message I just wrote to my Japanese friend…

Red light therapy (same as RLT, or NIR, or LLLT, or PBM) is light at 670nm and 880nm wavelength. It is not new, but the availability of low cost home devices has boomed in the last few years. 880nm penetrates your skin by several inches, and is used in healing a wide variety of conditions. There are over 15,000 scientific medical papers on the use of RLT. It’s almost a craze !!

Yesterday, I realized it was helping my R eye. It helps with 2 conditions I have ; blepharitis and MGD, where my meibomian glands which release oil are blocked. This means my eye has no oily layer, and the wind quickly strips my water layer from my eye… except I discovered yesterday that 880 nm is opening my gland, and I can feel the oil release from the gland. This is because EM is “heating” the glands. In reality 880 is neither visible light nor heat… it lies in between.

Anyway, it’s an exciting new tool that can help me with many problems, like nerves that I still face. My recovery will really benefit. Many people are using this new RLT therapy, and many people remain in the dark, or not convinced by it. They will change their mind soon. We are starved of Red light (modern lighting is unhealthy) and people live indoors too much.

Hope that gives you an idea ; I leave soon, but let me know about any news, I might be able to get internet… but not sure…



a 20 fold higher efficiency of light delivery to the deep brain is achieved with endonasal PBM instead of transcranial (which also works) illumination (Pitzshke, 2015)


I bought one , too. A panel like you described. Trooper


Do you still use it and have you managed to really link it to benefits
How long have you had it

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It just came yesterday, and I am in the middle of assembling the stand. I will keep you posted. It was not expensive.


Did you also buy an intranasal unit?

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Nope not not convinced on intranasal… but if you’re interested in NIR for the brain there are commercial devices I have read about in the 2 books I have on Red Light Therapy 1. by Mark Sloan and t other by Ari Whitten Good luck, Roland


I have the second book, and my panel is very much like the Red Rush without the switch.
I also have an extensive frequency system.