
Ok hope your recovery is going ok ? take care des

This is the best place to come you get good advice encouragement everyone is friendly I had a stroke in  2018 and I've had 2 mini strokes this forum has kept me sane  go to the website different strokes they cater for younger strokes  good luck with your recovery it can be slow and frustrating  but you get there with time and patience 

Thank you Des since I have come home I have got some more movement back.

Welcome Greg! Sorry to hear you've had a stroke. I had my stroke in May. Although still recovering if I compare myself today to how I was 3 months ago there is a world of difference. 

Good for you my legs d getting stronger but them so is the fatguie lol

Hi Alis,

Thank you,That's great that you are recoving well.


Hi Des,

That's good your legs are getting stronger.



Im also knew to this site but theres comfort here ppl with an understanding of what were all trying to make sense of , because what were experiencing  can be frightening , stronger together thats what i think , my 2 strokes were also in july im 56 from stoke 


Thank you Carl,yeah it is a whole mixture of things,share each other exsperiences will help.Sorry to hear you had     another hope you get better soon.



Hi John, Yeah fatigue I get also it's really frustrating but I am not as bad as I was when I first had a stroke but still have it. 

Thanks Pippy,My days have been up and mum and dad help me.

Thanks Greg  I am bette in lots of ways. I have given up that my head will ever get better I dont think they know whats causing it. I just have to live with it. All the best with your recovery. Norma.

Hi Greg that's good your mum and dad help you ,having the up and down days are so normal for us after a stroke,but it will get better when you get used to the new you..some days it's going to be so frustrating and you will ask yourself why me !I have asked myself that question on many occasions..I've got to have my loop recorder fitted tomorrow just to see if I flip into AF...anyway Gregg try and stay positive and your brain will be a happy one ..pippy x