I have been struggling with what we think is long covid. After an odd episode I was booked for an MRI. 3 weeks later I get a call telling me that I had had 2 strokes. I am not 100% sure of what symptoms are from the stroke and what are long covid.
I’m a bit rocked by it all - I’m 55 2 grown kids, feeling very mortal and pretty worried the next one will be the end.
Simon, thanks for your inspiring response. I look forward to learning much here with all you experts
@Philb Hi & welcome to the community. Sorry to hear of your strokes. As Simon has said what you are describing as long covid could be stroke fatigue or it may be a combination of the 2. Eek.
You will be feeling a bit anxious about it all as it is very new to you but that feeling should settle in time. If you lower your risk factors as best you can there’s every reason to hope it won’t happen again…never any guarantees of course.
At least now they know about them you can have tests & treatment.
Best wishes
Thank you Ann. I don’t mind saying that I am scared stiff -
I am told that the area if my brain where the atroke is couldn’t explain my long covis symptoms, so it looks like I have both -
Thanks again, both of you - I do feel better.