Hello My name is Harry… but please just use “H”, April 21, 2024 I recall was working in garden, busting up concreate with block hammer & chisel, I had 2 fence post to repair and bang bang bang, one time no bang but carried on but not realise hit hand until later but odd as not hurt hand !!! later my lovely wife asked questions and I was not able to remember thing or say the correct answer. I was feeling a bit off but was because the wine night before…so I was told??? I made evening meal and bathed couldn’t eat food as still feel ill and headache I went to bed, I was checked on and response from me was …“sleep…Tired…headache!” I think at 9pm I was with paramedic I couldn’t answer questions I ended up in a MRI & CT scan…couldn’t bare light and was sick. ive since learn that I pulled out drip and got out bed, 4 days I slept and didn’t eat, I woke up unable to remember or speak, I had tablet at 6am so… got up…made bed… and tried to walk…I would wash plate and cup after meals…it helped me with routine (as does spell check today!!!) I think I was kept in until middle of May and back home was best night sleep for ages. time has moved on… I work around house when I’m allowed for my safety, been let free with lawn mower but get tired easily, Ive paint fence weather allows and better with e-mails, talking is still broken and have put more weight on since loss when in hospital clothes don’t fit me that well. … Ive tried to listen back to music but wont take it all in and so become just noise… thats about all folks, I did tell hospital after some weeks that I was dyslexic when they was trying to get me to talk and say what I saw…Ha! Salad I knew but could only say Green Stuff! getting better but still able to loose words but had this before the Stroke. many thanks for allowing me to share “My life when Stroke hit me” but I also have “Non Mortuus Tamen” …which is another story, all the very best to you all Citizen 8 out!
@Citizen8 Hi H &welcome to the community.
Sounds like you had a rough time of it initially but seem to be making some progress now which is great. You are very early days yet so plenty of time for many more improvements.
Fatigue is very common after a stroke & ideally you’ll find a way to manage it. Early days you’ll need more rest & preferably before the fatigue hits. Your brain will thank you later. It’s trial & error but you’ll work out your limits in time.
Wishing you all the best.
hello Ann & thank you, I think I need to list what happen and anwser to follow. many thankyou “H”
hello simon thankyou “H”
Read a few hundred posts.
give a couple hundred likes when you find g ‘good’ content,
settle in,
rest as much as you need
Hi H @Citizen8
Welcome to the community, I’m sorry to hear about your stroke and what you have been through. I’m sure being part of this community will be helpful for you and you’ll learn a lot here! As @Mrs5K has said it’s still early days in your recovery but it sounds like you’re doing great so far. Everyone’s recovery is different so remember to take things at your own pace.
Three people argue whose is the oldest profession:
The surgeon: god created eve fr om Adam’s rib so god was a surgeon.
The Architect: god created the universe from chaos so god was an architect.
The mathematician:
where do you think the chaos came from.
You may realise that I am a mathematician and that we are well known for creating chaos.
Yiy u
Dunno if you’ve seen them but there is a dedicated set of threads on here for jokes n memes etc EG
Also lots totled Forum Games" that you can for
thanks for giving a smile
Whoops. I must have clicked on the wrong thread
I used to say “Panic, Fear, Chaos!” my work here is done!" ahahhahahha also “Places to go, people to annoy!” ahahhahah awww well keep on keeping on, “H” Out!