My dad had a stroke 2 weeks ago and I spoke to the physiotherapist today about why he wasn’t getting up and they said because he is hypo sensitive is this common

My dad had a stroke 2 weeks ago and I spoke to the physiotherapist today about why he wasn’t getting up and they said because he is hypo sensitive is this common


Hi @GTstroke & welcome to the forum. Sorry your dad has had a stroke.

I don’t know much about hypo sensitivity but it does sound like something you can experience after stroke. Are the physios helping him with this? Perhaps ask them what you can do to help him in-between their visits.

In time it will hopefully settle & he’ll be able to start on the rest of his recovery. Stroke recovery is a marathon not a sprint so be prepared for a long journey.

Wishing you both all the best.



Hi @GTstroke
Welcome to the forum. Sorry you’ve had cause to join us :frowning:

If your dad had a stroke 2 weeks ago he probably has a long journey ahead with the much learning on the path. Many of us are unable to get up, even turn over for months and or years post stroke.

Hypersensitivity is (as far as I am aware) generally something that comes on about 2 to 4 months after the stroke rather than immediately. Hit doesn’t happen to everyone who has had a stroke.

You may find 40 things to know: what would you underline add or delete and Welcome - what we wish we'd heard at the start are both collected wisdom that will kickstart your ‘learning what to expect’

This is an excellent place to keep asking questions however with The wisdom of crowds being a valuable resource.


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I was still bed and chair bound after two months in hospital and was sent home in that state.

I was extremely depressed and under the impression I would be like this for the rest of my life.

Two years later things have improved somewhat. I can walk a little around the house and have been told I could drive an appropriately adjusted car if I chose.

The whole process has been very slow. I think many are bed bound in the first months after a stroke. Improvements do come, quickly for some, more slowly for others.

Try to stay optimistic and be kind to one another. Unfortunately, although no one stroke case is the same as another, it is a life changing event for us all.

This is a good place to get answers and meet others affected by stroke.

I have a Zoom meeting to attend so must leave off writing for now.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:


Is it causing pain and discomfort ?
If it’s tolerable, there are definite benefits to moving around to avoid muscle wastage.
Does he have any other symptoms like pins and needles ?

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