Grew up in the music wise the 80’s…loads of real bands came an gone, the punk happened and was fading out within 3 years, 80’s brought New wave & Electronic, records are making a come back and I find my self on youtube trying to remember the songs but music… I do struggle to take it in an tier of this quite quickly… “H” Out!
Following a stroke music can be quite a lot for the brain to process which msy be why you tire easy. Try listening in small chunks & in time you’ll get back to listening to all your favourites.
me and my partner all you hear is 80s on default,last concert i didnt want to go then loved it, Adam Ant giving it everything , he is in his 60s
I’ve managed to get images of Adam Ant mixed up with Johnny Depp they’re starting to look similar in style, though Depp is 8yrs younger
I can pick it up when I can but yes I tire try an do something else such as wash the shed. “H” Out !
ahhhh yes Adam Ant… he had some issuse… mental health I think… Johnny Depp is a great actor and very funny… I like most of his dress sense, looks odd & older without face hair… “H” Out !
hey there a radio station on Saturday called BBC Radio Underground the do some real good music Redirecting...
Richard Latto with alternative anthems, gig stories and requests from a music community with attitude.
Give it a go, “H” out!
my secret listening pleasure is _ _ _ _ _ .
no i m not sure i could publicy admit it now even after all these yrars ,but im still in love with Kylie Minogue i could watch her videos all day (with the volume off ) its allowed she wad 56 in may still 4 months older than me
awwwwwwwww, well if you like the music then go for it, I have my headphones and Youtube, I grew up mainly listening to China Crisis, “Christian” was my song I listen to and even now it gets to me when I hear it, “H” out!
Steps - i love thhere stuff
Music appreciation was one area my post stroke progress has enhanced in spades. Whether its down to the re-programming your brain undergoes and my emotions have been heightened, I don’t know. So music is an area which has benefitted. Much like the 60s flower power generation who took mind blowing drugs to ‘blow their minds’! Mine has come about by accident. Strangely, my love of all things ‘prog; (I am a child of the late 60s/70s) has diminished (too much wiggling – where’s the melody?) but love of the 60s/70s singers with backing orchestra has increased. I often get very emotional now when I hear some gorgeous singing or string orchestra (especially Vaughan Williams – I am reduced to a blubbering mess on ‘Larks Ascending’ or ‘Theme by Thomas Tallis’) or singers like Barbra Streisand or Roy Orbison.
Very strange!
Dark side or In the court of the crimson king, or Bron-Yr-Aur endure though?
I get it w/ the tallis theme
Actually, the earlier Prog stuff (including Crimso) I enjoy even more now - was it called ‘underground’ then? - its more the 80s + (neo-prog?) that have lost their flavour. Never was keen on Dark Side though…