More from the garden

My name is Richard and I am an addict:
I have 5 sheds plus a 5m x 5m cabin plus a 35 foot by 14 foot garage and a relatively small garden (as its mainly covered by sheds :joy:)


@SimonInEdinburgh i daren’t go in his sheds. Who knows what i’d find…plenty of you never know when you might need that things.

In fact it is probably also full of all the things i have thrown away over the years & he’s retrieved when I wasn’t looking :rofl::rofl:

@llareggub that’s sounds very similar to our shed collection. Saves on the gardening though :rofl::rofl:

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… And apart from the brabus & alpha what else is in them?


I’ve got recovered stuff and stuff that was ‘donated’ from the kitchen &c


My HOA doesn’t allow sheds…Bullies! It would probably be full of junk anyway, or my secret hideaway if the kids didn’t steal it for a fort. I think my recycling might need to be sent to the UK instead of China. Have a car that needs to go to Mexico, where they still know how to get the old things in running order again. A skill born of necessity. My girls and I used to be very good at it, but this one is a little above our skills, needing a new clutch system. There’s one in the backseat waiting for someone to know how to fix it, but no one does for less than $250 an hour. It is very hard to find a manual transmission here, which it what this is. I suppose one of the blessings of no longer driving is not worrying about accidents or repairs, but both my daughters drive, so there is still the worry. UGH!

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My best friend, who is from Germany has the most beautiful garden shed. On the outside it has a bat house, a butterfly house, a bird house and a hummingbird feeder, as well as a trellis growing her grandma’s roses she brought back on a visit to Germany, and a lovely window box planter. On the inside, she stores her tools and pots and soil mixes, as well as dries hydrangea, catnip and herbs. She is very talented. People come from many miles around to purchase plants and seeds from her simply because they have seen her garden full of so many varieties of flowers, herbs and vegetables. Martha Stewart couldn’t dream of keeping up with her. She does get some strange looks when another friend of ours brings her a couple buckets of horse manure from her horse’s stall.

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I have a one ton bag that’s now half empty of horse shiit. I get it from the same place I get my logs in the winter logs don’t take long to use but the horse shiit takes a couple of years to get through a ton


Neither of the Alfas or the Brabus live inside unfortunately, only one of the minis gets that pleasure