Milestone achievement

Greetings, wonderful folks,
I walked 1 km at Blaise Castle this morning. 15 months post stroke, with stick.
I said I would do so on Wednesday when I beat my previous record and did .75 km.
Today was hard, but satisfying. Now, I wonder how long before I can walk 1 mile ?
I need to loosen up a bit for that.

Onwards and upwards, ciao, Roland


Well done that’s fabulous.


That’s a brilliant achievement :clap: Well done you. You must be very pleased with yourself.

Keep up the good work. You will be walking the 1 mile in no time.

Regards Sue


Well done

MILLSTONE :confetti_ball::clinking_glasses:

That’s fab :slight_smile:

Please for you


well done, top marks


Way to go @pando that mile is just around the corner i’m sure. :clap::clap:


@pando Wonderful stuff, that’s really good going. You’ll soon pass that mile marker!


Not surprising, Roland. Your spirit and determination are most admirable. Healing is happening.

Haola- All is well, getting better.


Ah Pando, it’ll be just another week or two. We love the challenge of beating our personal bests :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::clap::clap::clap::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: Worthy of a good celebration :partying_face:
“Its ever so 'portant how you walk”…said Winne-the-Pooh :smile:


Roland, well done. Make sure you a coffee/tea break at the end. Treat yourself. :+1:


Thanks for all the comments,
The last 100 / 200 metres were a slog.
What’s encouraging is that a Radiologist friend who follows me closely gave me until the end of June to walk 1 km. I never expected to get there by the middle of January.

Thanks again for the great support,
I promise I won’t bore everyone with the next 1.1, 1.2, 1.3… until I get to 1.6 then I can really claim it a milestone achievement.
ciao, ciao, Roland
Breaking the 1 km barrier


Thx Emerald,
a week or two? I estimate a month or two…
watch this this space !


Congratulations Roland! What an achievement :muscle:t4::partying_face: xx


It really is. I am so happy for him. I truly believe he’s healing. :heart:


I won’t be bored at all… In fact, your accomplishments help me almost as much as they help you. I am forever reminding myself how you keep exercising while we (chat, and keep pushing a little farther. I will use the excuse that when I am learning/relearning something different, I forget to keep practicing what has already been relearned…until I have trouble with it again. (most especially left shoulder, hand and fingers). I have been working a bit more on cognitive things lately (planning, organizing, tracking, reading) and have not kept up well with my physical and vestibular exercises, and am only halfway doing housework or personal care (as in I rarely bother to get dressed or comb my hair). Maybe I should set a goal to be able to do all of my self care, exercises, and keep up with housework and paperwork by June?

Congratulations! I am so excited for you!


@pando that’s fantastic, keep it up you will soon be on a mile


I thinks its more you have too many spinning plates to keep them all on the go at the same time. And maybe just too many plates for your brain’s current limited capacity to juggle them.
So it’s more a case of dropping a few excess and work on a rotation plan. For every plate you pick up drop the oldest perhaps and pick up the latest in rotation…so that you don’t neglect any specific areas you need to work on.


Thank you DeAnn,

Your posts are always very touching and heartfelt. I’ve far to go, and hopefully I will go far, but I am far from perfect. For instance, yesterday I took a day off. All I had was teach 1 student, and finish off a painting, which went so so / okay… bits I like and bits I don’t like; a bit similar to my life; there are bits I don’t like, like my bad eye, my every-other locked-glute day (I really hate that one, because it’s become a habit, and is a fiendish pattern devised by my sub-conscious brain) plus I walk like a penguin, and my nose drips every morning for a half hour and bits I like, like the fact that I am still alive, still able to improve, able to aspire. I am as guilty as you when it comes to losing what I have relearned. I used to do zips up more easily, now my thumb muscles are slacking off. I’m flexible with what I set myself, as long as I have a background plan. That motivates me to work and strive. There’s too much to do to look after myself, and I’m guilty of increasing my wife’s workload, even now I feel guilty as she is away teaching today, from the crack of dawn… while I roam freely about the house.

Thanks again for your post / all your posts catch my attention and make me think twice about things that could easily pass me by…

ciao ciao, Roland


What a picture - that’s fab. :+1:


@pando great painting

And I agree @DeAnn’s posts are heart felt and inspiring

And you missed out " inspire " from your list too :slight_smile:

You both support us all in your own ways. Roland these 2ndy & tertiary challenges plague us all - mostly they do yield to efforts over time, as im sure you have observed- but your glute does seem to be particularly intransigent.

Did you get the note about Charlotte at Hobbs? There might just believe a transferable technique between upper limb and glute from the stuff they are doing with vibration?

DeAnn maybe you goal is to add one thing a month till you reach your current capacity then work more capacity and or more balance to the mix? I’ve set the goal to grow month on the month rather than achieve specific things in a specific time (Which is potentially either stressor or a potential failure)


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