Memory clinic

My husband will be referred to the memory clinic as his short memory is so bad - has anyone got any experience of the clinic and what happens there. Thanks

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Hi @Maria37 welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
It’s been a several years since I attended with my father-in-law, though I only attended reviews. And they were just sit down discussions with the psychiatrist. They do ask a lot of questions to test short term/long term memory.

‘…You will be seen initially by a specialist doctor to gather a history of your memory problems and decide which assessments you may need to complete at future appointments e.g., with an occupational therapist or psychologist who can undertake a range of memory-based assessments with you…’,memory-based%20assessments%20with%20you.

Hi @Maria37 & welcome to the forum.

When i had my stroke they asked me loads of questions. Things like giving me an address to remember & getting you to repeat it back, listing as many words as can beginning with a particular letter, list as many animals as you can in a certain time frame.

I’ve never actually been to a memory clinic but think they’ll do something similar.

Hope it goes well.

Best wishes


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