Me yet again about my dad

Hi all, as I’ve written before, my dad has had a massive stroke and was found in the bathroom, potentially he may have been there for up to 2 days, worse case scenario. My dad is 69, never drank or smoked, very fit man. Since the stroke, he’s had pneumonia and a UTI which caused seizures. He’s pulled out his NFT 5 times, so they’ve left him without, he has fluids via a IV. He needs 2 caters in all aspects of care, and hasn’t eaten much at all, due to swallowing difficulties and stubbornness. So last week we had a best interest meeting, we decided that dad would go to a Nursing home, but once he is discharged from hospital, his IV will cease, and unless he starts eating and drinking he will deteriorate very fast. So we are now waiting for a bed… we were all resigned to this and accepting the situation. Then 2 days ago my dad woke and grabbed a glass of water (which wasn’t thickened🙈) and drank it!!! So now my head is in a spin…. One of the questions I asked in the best interest meeting is, “is there anyway dad can pull this around)” they replied very doubtful. They say they think that dad will remain as he is… I have so many questions. It’s been 4 weeks since the stroke, how can they say that they don’t think he will get better? And why will he be sent to a nursing home and not rehab? Doesn’t every recovery differ? And how can he wake and drink water, isn’t that a positive sign? People I have spoken to who had worse strokes than dad, in ICU etc…. They’ve made recoveries and are even now driving!! My heads in a swirl.


Hi there it made me sad to read what’s happening for your dad and family . When I was in hospital they didn’t bother trying to get me out of bed first day in rehab I stood on a return trolley and one person pushed me to the bathroom . I wonder if the hospital staff are just too busy to try things with your dad , reaching for water I think is a great sign . My hospital doctor said he doubted I’d get much use out of my weak arm 2 years on I can hold things and lift it up . Rehab staff hav more time to give physio . When I was in hospital the lady opposite me had lost her speech then one day completely out of the blue she said excuse me to a passing nurse . I cried was such a lovely moment … anything is possible with stroke recovery soz for long post take care xx


@Broneirian ask doctors again about rehab, when I had my stroke in 2020 i was told I would never eat, drink walk or talk again and would be in a care home on my release. I can do all of these now and live at home. I never went into a care home. I pushed for all the physio I could get, don’t give up he’s young enough to fight this. good luck


Im sorry to read what you are going through. What a really positive step your dad waking and drinking. I told my occupational therapists i wanted to concentrate on what i could do not what i couldn’t. Everybody’s stroke and recovery is different. We are all different. Its good to hear from you


@Broneirian so pleased to hear your Father woke and grabbed the water. Just pleased he swallowed it ok without asphyxiating. You are fortunate (although you may not feel it) that we are no longer in a pandemic situation so the hospital should be able to provide your Father with the physiotherapy and rehab he needs. You will have to push hard for it and it will feel like you are hitting your head against a brick wall numerous times. Best interest meetings with hospitals I found farcical in my late Husband’s case as the only best interest they were concerned with was their own. They couldn’t discharge him quickly enough. Depending on the severity of his stroke they will determine whether he needs a care home or a nursing home (there is a difference) if he can’t return home. They are all stretched and in all probability won’t be able to give your Father the rehab he needs. This site is amazing for the feedback everyone gives whether a survivor or a carer. I only discovered the site after he died. As a family you need support too. I wish your Father well in his recovery. Marie


@Broneirian is it possible for you to speak to the specialists again? Sounds like things may have changed a little bit since your meeting & that might make a difference. It’s a very difficult situation to be in & i really feel for you.
Sending my very best wishes.

Ann xx


They are sending him to a nursing home asap…. Can’t understand why they aren’t sending him to a rehab centre… I feel he will deteriorate once in a nursing home x

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