Magnesium, the best kind

The only Magnesium to pass the blood ,brain barrier and an aid to neuroplasticity.
Magnesium Threonate.


Thanks for the heads up, Derek.

Is this what you take? What is your experience of it?
Anyway, I ordered it to try. I know a lot of Mg does not get absorbed.
So far, I have Liposomal Mg, before bed. We’ll see if this offers something different

Ciao, Roland


Roland, I just ordered two bottles, so we’ll see. it certainly sounds interesting. I’ve been taking Mag. Glycinate which absorbs well but does not get to the brain. I understand that most people don’t get enough magnesium.


I’m glad there are 40 views, hopefully our members see the importance of this.

I used to have a spray-on magnesium, I think it helped me, although it’s not possible to know how I would have been if not taking it. Apparently it gets absorbed more effectively than some taken by mouth. The company I got it from (I think) has just gone out of business. It wasn’t cheap so I am wondering if others have used it and found it helped with pain? I was also on calcium for years but stopped recently as I came across something that said it can contribute to Strokes. Mine were ‘mini Strokes’ (TIAs) but they do not feel like small events to me although have some additional MSK issues. Very difficult when you have multiple conditions…and particularly when you are on possibly meds and supplements that are interacting with each other.


I had to speak to the GP on the phone about a recent scan result and mentioned I am taking magnesium. He advised me to discontinue with it but did not say why, so I am back at the beginning again. I have to take calcium and vitamin D daily ad also take iron with C and zic some days.

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Hi Simon, Just getting back to looking at the posts and replying to replies, after time spent catching up with other things and trying to sort out all sorts of stuff.
This is probably just personal to me but I definitely get more pressure and pain in my head when I do take the calcium, prescribed for osteoporosis , it seemed to be effective in bone -building pre-Stroke, combined with infusions over 3 years (turned out to overlap a lot with the Pandemic years). I am on a waiting list for another round of the infusions (zoledronate). These help push the calcium into my bones, apparently, so it’s possible I am just not absorbing the calcium at the moment. But I don’t really know why the Calcium causes head pain.
I did find an exercise to help cope with pain in a book I came across, I will try to get some outside help in scanning it to a post, the book is Overcoming Traumatic Stress by Claudia Herbert , 2017, Exercise 37: Imaginative Transformation of the Pain. Most of the book is about PTSD, but it has some exercises that I found useful. The first time I tried it there was some reduction in the head pain, not so much the subsequent time, it probably works on muscle tension reduction. GP felt a lot of the pain was from tight muscles in neck.

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Hi Simon in Edinburgh, think that might be exercise 27 you are talking about, don’t worry I do this sort of thing ALL THE TIME! Drives me mad. Exercise 37 is about dealing with pain , at least in the edition of the book I got hold of.
I am going to try to commit it to memory as I think it’s useful.