Made my breakfast on my own

Hi @mrfrederickson

I’m no expert only being 7 months post stroke but what has been suggested to me is that rather than saying “I can’t do” or “I used to be able to” try saying, “after my stroke I couldn’t do xxx, but now I can do xxx more”

Does that make sense?
I was fit and healthy in my 50s with a great job, but now I’m very different.

I can walk along the whole seafront near where I live but after my stroke I couldn’t get 25% along without taking a rest.

No where near what I could do, but s9 much better than I was.

Wishing you all the best for continued improvement and achievement​:+1::+1:


That will get better if you can do 25% now at 7mths. I could walk 4 miles a year after my stroke, 6+ miles 2½ years after my stroke…with a short break along the way :blush:


Took me 6 months before I could shave. Using my left hand left me with cuts. My right hand and arm are rather rigid, but slow wins the shaving race. I tried an electric, but not close enough. I also tried a beard and the old grey hair made me look 5 years older. I suppose even after a stroke I’m a wee bit vain.
@GavT I try not to think of the old me. There’s a lot to be said for living in the “Now”. Nostalgia for who I “was” just makes me sad.


Yes! Definitely delete “I can’t” - I believe it was Walt Disney who said “whether you say you can or you can’t you’re correct”

An alternative choice of words might be “I am working towards being able to”, or “I can’t yet”

Another concept that is personal to me is I am not in rehabilitation I am in capability development. I recognise that what I had in the past was on a path I am no longer on.
I am on a new path with many potential destinations and much to be achieved on it the old path is inaccessible the new path is valuable and worthwhile.

I think a positive outlook is extremely beneficial to maximising potential.




Thanks Simon sound advice I will definitely keep plugging away at it.


Too true @Outlander

Best not to go there!:+1:

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It just goes to show you that improvements can ALWAYS be made.

Congratulations, MrFrederickson!

You’ll be cooking dinner soon, too.

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Well done Mr F on your meals. Today I managed to spread marg on my toast, using my 2nd finger and thumb to grip the end. :smile: then the philly cheese, without too much mess on my remaining fingers. Also I managed to spoon my loose herbal tea leaves into a teabag (held with my left hand, the weak one) without spillage. :+1:


And that is all well worth a celebration of achievements, for break another milestone in preparing your breakfast :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :clap: :clap: :clap: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: It’s coming back, slowly but surely :wink: Onwards and upwards :smile:

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Yay that sounds like a great achievement @mikey903. I’ll join @EmeraldEyes in her celebrations :partying_face:

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Well done

Deffo good to celebrate the progress


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