Just mark ll me

I read the email as usual, the story of a nineteen year old, as I read down, I came across a section asking people to nominate people who had recovered and helped others.

At first I thought "jolly good" I don't know anyone to nominate, but then a thought struck me, this is, if you like, a club no one would choose to be part of in the great scheme of life. 

Then it struck me, there is a strange perversion. Great someone has been unfortunate to have their brain malfunction, but they have concured the trauma, now we are going to give them an award.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a killjoy, I'm not against award's, it's just that I have spent nine years pretty well stuck. It's no one's fault, not even mine for once. I'm always chuffed for the person who does well.

It is just one of those moments that hits you between the eyes like a brick, a reminder, that I will never be me, a twist of fate has robbed me of me, it's robbed me of so many experiences. Of course I am still me, just a different me, a me mark ll, a me I resent, a me I don't recognise, a me I sometimes really hate.

Ok, it's just a fleeting thought in time, I'm still the same me, the, ah what the heck me, tomorrow is another day me. Even with all the chaos currently in the world with the virus, isolation, panic buying, a muppet as PM who messes a simple sentence up worse than I do, with two wing men that think we're all daft.

Yep I'm still me, mark ll me, the content me, the happy with me lot me, the at peace me, the slap me up and down me, don't be so wet me, the hard as nails me, the surviver me.

Ah, things ain't so bad!

Johnson is not a 'muppet' at all. He's a powerful orator, as anyone watching his dominating Commons performances can testify. He does, how, have certain manners of informal speech which can appear to be bumbling but which are usually just rhetorical delaying tactics, typical of those used by certain upper-class types. Anyhow, his press conference messages, which you refer to, have been perfectly clear. 


 You should watch his public debate (free on YouTube) with Mary Beard about which was better, Classical Rome or Ancient Greece. You might then comprehend the man's intellectual ability, which I suggest is considerably greater than yours or mine. Definitely far greater than Corbyn's.

Johnson is not a 'muppet' at all. He's a powerful orator, as anyone watching his dominating Commons performances can testify. He does, how, have certain manners of informal speech which can appear to be bumbling but which are usually just rhetorical delaying tactics, typical of those used by certain upper-class types. Anyhow, his press conference messages, which you refer to, have been perfectly clear. 


 You should watch his public debate (free on YouTube) with Mary Beard about which was better, Classical Rome or Ancient Greece. You might then comprehend the man's intellectual ability, which I suggest is considerably greater than yours or mine. Definitely far greater than Corbyn's.

Johnson is not a 'muppet' at all. He's a powerful orator, as anyone watching his dominating Commons performances can testify. He does, how, have certain manners of informal speech which can appear to be bumbling but which are usually just rhetorical delaying tactics, typical of those used by certain upper-class types. Anyhow, his press conference messages, which you refer to, have been perfectly clear. 


 You should watch his public debate (free on YouTube) with Mary Beard about which was better, Classical Rome or Ancient Greece. You might then comprehend the man's intellectual ability, which I suggest is considerably greater than yours or mine. Definitely far greater than Corbyn's.

Thank you Boots. Part of us will always regret what we can no longer do.band although we have the memory of doing it, it is no consolation for the real experience. Among my friends, I often refer to being satisfied with them day of small things'. All through my life I had a sense that,one day, the only view I might have left to me is the view out of the window and that I would have to be content with that. I do have a bit more than that, but I also have left side weakness, daily fatigue and sometimes my walking is hesitant and wobbly.


Fortunately, I come from a tough background and have always been inwardly strong, despite how I look and sound physically. I experienced a lot of downs in life before upbeat things started to happen. Our current national situation demonstrates something that has happened since time began, the unpredictable suddenly appears to throw a spanner in the works. When it does, we can remain as calm as possible or give in to panic, rumour and wild conspiracy theories. Politicians and pundits certainly won't be there at your side to help you, you have to find your own way as calmly as possible. You're right....things ain't too bad.

Thanks John, I'm sure we all toddle along oblivious for the most part, then slap, the most innocent of items nudge us. As long as we hold on to that thought, we are alive, and what magic is well waiting?

My opinion is my opinion, as is yours, I don't wish to pit a political arguement Bojo versus Corbyn. That has somewhat missed the point of the whole story.

I have had many conflabs on the subject you have singled out, and realise that people have polarised views.

I don't doubt his flustering intelligence, but I have met many intelligent people that get stuck in a revolving door. It's a shame that intelligence can be used for good, or it can be used for greed. I'll let you decide.