Just fed Renfield

In the absence of flies I’ve fed my plant fish flakes

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Sounds like Renfield won’t go hungry :grin:

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No apparently we can feed it ants but they have to be living as the wriggling encourages the digestive process,


But you feed it fish flakes, they don’t wriggle?
If think our must have starved to death then, never would have thought to give it fish food. We had one years ago when the kids were small, as you do, but they only fed it dead flies.

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That may be the issue for digestion to work the food needs to stimulate the pads hence I rub them once the flakes are in place causing the closure of the traps


Ah I see, which is probably why ours starved…we did rub it’s tummy :laughing:

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Could be Lorraine, I’ll keep you posted on Renfield s progress.

Update Renfields first fly

Sounds like a plan Renfield has grown a new leaf or mouth the old on turning black and dropping off.



If I try and trap all the mosquitoes in my house that keep biting me in a jar (well JP will) can I send them to you to be digested for a thousand years inside Renfield to atone for taking nearly as much blood from me as the 7 vials I’ve had taken this week?!

Stay cool :polar_bear: :wink: