I want to know if anyone has experience of a very strong sensation which involves floral aromas or very strong perfumes? This is not in any way unpleasant but can be so strong as to be overpowering. Normally since the stroke in Jan 2019 I can’t smell anything but about 3/4 times over the last year, I’ve had these episodes which last a couple of days and then disappear. It’s a very strange experience!
I’ve only heard of this as maybe being Phantosmia which links in with hyposmia as you say you can’t smell anything.
I’d suggest you talk to your doctor to rule out it’s not something like sinusitis, nasal polyps or something. Even if it’s link to your stroke they might want to check there’s nothing untoward going on. But I doubt there’s anything to worry about
I have inside my mouth
#EmeraldEyes thank you for your reply, the explanation of ‘Phantosmia’ fits perfectly with what I experience . It’s a relief to discover that it is a ‘thing’ and not something that I have dreamed up. I will mention it to the dr on my next visit.
#msporshakimberly, thank you for your reply, I think the sensation sometimes spreads into my mouth and sometimes my food tastes weird initially but that passes. Pleased to find the explanation and that I’m not alone.
Hi, I also experienced a very heightened sense of smell after my stroke -going in a hospital lift was very unpleasant and the smell of a visitors coffee almost made me feel sick. Now I;m home it seems to have disappeared, hopegully for good! I did ask my consultant but he had now answer for me. So this is very interesting…
Hi @maymuna, just wanted to welcome you to the forum You most probably will recover from that soon enough. Strokes wreak havoc on the brain and our senses, like the aftershock of an explosion. The brain has to wait until the dust settles to see what’s what, what can be brought back online, what needs repairs, what needs replacing. And it all takes time and a lot of healing, it’s a slow process. Look forward to seeing you around the forum
@Maymuna just popping by to say hi & welome to the forum.
Seems a heightened sense of smell might be commonish. I had it too…i’d never really had much of a sense of smell then I could smell everything strongly. That settled after time. I then had a suspected TIA a few weeks back & have my heightened sense of smell back again
@Maymuna welcome. I am almost a month post stroke and the last 2 days I have been smelling cigarette smoke. Not sure if it is linked to the stroke or not but will mention it to my GP.
Puzzling for me too at times, sometimes pleasant sometimes not. Remembered my mother experienced it after stroke and thought she was imagining it. Can go weeks without experiencing it then as mentioned by others, can detect floral perfume or faint smell of tobacco or , the drains…. Yuk ! Thanks for the explanation Emeraldeyes