It was 11°C (50°F) in here last night

Stay warm

Despite what the News has to say it as been colder this winter - the second since my stroke.

It was 11°C (50°F) in here last night and although, when younger, I have endured much worse cold, I am grateful.

Grateful for the funds that feed me and provide shelter.

Grateful for enough to buy a thermal top and pants.

Grateful for a soft bed and a sleeping bag under my duvet which allows me to hold on to my warmth.

Grateful, in this modern age, for an Internet which provides and delivers these essentials and more,

. . . and, as well as all this,
grateful for the ability to share my gratitude.

I am reminded that there are others out there in need of support.

Stay warm,

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :snowman: :+1:

@HHilary took this photo this morning.
We’ve gone all black and white:



Our Christmas tree has been redecorated :laughing:
It’s outside the back door and to become a natural feeder, so I want to trim off a few branches…think I’ll give it another while yet :wink:

We’ve been keeping the heating on low over night to avoid any risk of burst water pipe. Happened to my sister over a year ago, made so much mess, work on it took a year :grimacing: So we’re not taking any chances :roll_eyes:


a tree looking very seasonal. Bootiful.

@HHilary , still taking photos, asked me what I thought the small footprints? were.

Well there are marks left by a human followed by a very large group of very small hobgoblins.

I will say no more.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :snowman: :+1:


Well I feel like I am missing out…no snow hete today. We had a very small scattering yesterday but it soon disappeared.

I too though am very grateful for a roof over my head, food on the table, warm clothes, and a snuggly duvet to hide under at night :sleeping::sleeping:


I saw cat paws and bird trails… and a hobgoblin or two.

We also had snow here. Do you not have heat there? It is a toasty 74F in my house. I turned it up from 72 because I was too cold to get warm.


I felt sorry for my wife the other day scraping ice off her car before going to work. I’m indoors all warm as I’m not up to work status yet.
Last year I did hers and mine…oh how life changes. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I suppose there are ways to economise.

Wear clothing that retains warmth. Heat a small room rather than a whole house. Try to eat and drink enough. Regularly move about a bit.

Jump on a jet and go stay with relatives in a sunny location dreaming of cool breezes. (I jest.)

Don’t move upwards, it tends to be cooler at altitude.

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I was going to put these in our funnies thread, but I thought they’d be more apt here :wink: Our street is like a skatters waltz outside, can’t wait for the thaw but its been a hoot watching drivers get stuck at the bottom of the hill :rofl:

Just a dusting of snow in Blackpool then. :rofl:


Thanks for the giggle @EmeraldEyes


Bit chilly this morning. Brhhhh :cold_face: