I'm back again

Had to take some time out from anything stroke related for a while, as my MH was suffering. Think it’s done me good, apart from last week when my complete inability to find a left sock, saw me throw my brand new shiny red I phone at the bathroom wall and smash it to smithereens.
You may recall I was doing HBOT and managed to get into my local centre rather than flogging along to Swindon. The move was an unmitigated disaster as, because I didn’t have MS, I was treated as an interloper. I would book a session only to be told that I’d been bumped of the list because I had to step aside for someone who had MS. It was really horrible and upset me very much. To be honest it put a dampener on the whole experience and as after 20 sessions or so, I didn’t feel very much benefit, I canned it. I may go back to Swindon once my hurt feelings over being treated like a second class citizen have lessened.
I’m still riding but have completely lost my confidence when driving which is a pain. I went out on a driving assessment test which I failed as the instructor told me I was driving too slowly. As I hadn’t driven properly for over a year and managed to drive down the A420 for almost an hour ,did roundabouts & many junctions without killing anybody, I thought that was a bit unfair but hey ho.
Glad to see many familiar names xx


Good to see you back & even better to hear you’re getting on top of your mental health issues.

Such a shame about the HBOT but hopefully you’ll be able to go back to Swindon when you are ready.

Best wishes
