I’m new here!

Hi everyone, just joined the group.

I was 38 when I had a stroke in July 2020 and then found out I had cancer in October 2020. I’m struggling with my aphasia at the moment.

Actually I struggling with life in general. My husband has left me. We were married for 10 years, together for 14 years. I’m having to stay with friends at the moment as he won’t move out.

I’m finding everything overwhelming - finding somewhere to live, trying to find a job, trying to figure out a divorce. I really don’t know what to do and how to get out of this situation, I feel like I’m drowning. I’ve only just joined the group and I’m very sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong place.


Shwmae @Louise_W, sorry to hear of your recent struggles, they are struggles but with positive goals and kindness to ourselves we can wriggle out of them but it does take time. I have found that life’s problems do become much more challenging after stroke, however, I have taken it upon myself to embrace a sense of selfishness at times and acknowledge that at the end of the week, it is my life and my wellbeing that requires a little priority. I hope you can find joyful moments when you can bask in a little peace of mind.


Hello Lou,

looks like you’ve touched rock bottom. But you’re alive, so I wish you all the best. If you can keep a positive attitude, and confront one problem at a time (I know, everything happens at once) but it should be possible to get up on your feet, with time and patience.

Best wishes, and wishing you strength and courage, Roland


Thank you, that’s very kind

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Thank you. I’m trying to be positive, some days are harder than others


welcome. So sorry that life is so tough for you at the moment. I hope that you can find people who will help with the practicalities of finding somewhere to live and of finding a job.


Thank you, I’m trying to be positive but sometimes it’s a bit of a failure.


Thank you, it’s a lovely group


Hi louwind and welcome to this special group. I hope things start to get easier for you


Hi Louwind, Life has several low blows! Deal with each problem in turn, trying to solve all at once would too much. Take any advice/ help you can, and DON’T blame yourself. None of this your fault. Moira :bouquet:


Thank you, keeping everything crossed


@Louise_W hi & welcome to the group. Sorry to hear of all your struggles on top of having a stroke & cancer.

Have you tried getting some advice from Citizens Advice re your housing / divorce situation? They are often very good at guiding you where you need to go for help.

As Moira has said try & tackle one thing at a time.

Wishing you lots of luck and sending my very best wishes.



Thank you, I will keep trying


Hi, Oh Im sorry that you are having to deal with so much as well as a stroke. Hopefully you will find this group helpful. I only joined it last week. Sending you a big virtual hug. :hugs:


Thank you, I’m a proper party-pooper at the moment


Hi @Louise_W and welcome to this wonderful forum where you can find so much advice and heart warming support.

Believe in yourself, you are stronger than you think, far stronger than your husband could ever be because you’ve made it this far despite him. You won’t be there when he needs you most and he’ll only have himself to blame for that. He clearly wasn’t strong enough for you and you deserve better than that; you’re a stroke survivor now, a warrior. Don’t fall now, this is just a weak moment in time, it will get better.

Do you attend any groups for your aphasia locally? Here’s the link to a list of both online and in person groups you may find useful to check out. There might be something going on in an area local to you.


Hi, so sorry to hear of your stroke and that you are struggling with life at the moment. Welcome to this forum, we are a merry band of stroke survivors. Hopefully you will find some advice and words of wisdom to help you through this difficult situation. I know it’s easier said than done but try to stay positive and ask as many questions as you need to on the forum or just have a moan or a rant if you feel the need. I wish you well and look forward to hearing from you when you are ready to join our chat.

Regards Sue


Thank you, that’s so kind of you. I’m trying to be positive but some days are harder than others. I haven’t see the groups, thank you for the link


Thank you, that’s so nice of you

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Thank you. I haven’t tried Citizens Advice yet, I will give them a call. I still can’t quite believe what’s happening