I have no hobbies or interests since my stroke

Since my stroke I have no hobbies or interests I had my stroke nearly 3 years ago I go to stroke groups but I want to do something else had a stroke groups


Juliet, I understand some of what you feel. I used to love historical research, but that is beyond me at the moment. However, I cook a lot, because it makes me use my weak hand and arm. I do have helpful aids like a food processor, but itā€™s good to use the weak hand and fingers. Patience is required, although swearing is also essential.

I also go to two local exercise groups for seniors, as the more I can improve the better. I prefer non stroke groups, because you are challenged more. I have certainly improved since going there.

There is a tendency after stroke to sit and vegetate. This is bad for anyone. I also like visiting NGS open Gardens. I will not be a victim. I am a survivor.

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Dear Julief

I am about the same stage as you. Three years this December. I do understand your lethargy and dismay.

My theories include forgetting about what I used to do and starting my new life afresh. This is easy to say but hard to do.

The first thing I did was make tea and coffee for small groups meeting in the village. At first I did two teas at a time, but now I can cope with ten or more. It could be viewed a come down as I am an FCA by profession. However I can not do professional work and making tea was my limit. The great thing is that I am doing something. And there is a small benefit of doing a simple non pressured task. I then waited on tables at coffee morning. About eighty turn up. This helped my mobility. Placing feet in the right spot is quite an art. But I can do it, again its something I can do. I now also go on to help clear away. Moving chairs and tables. Every few weeks I can shift more than before. Its a rolling therapy. 

Instead of gym etc I do my large garden. Just 45 minutes at a time. And I can eat the results !

Next I took on a tiny voluntary job. At first I was overwhelmed. Panic. What have I done ? My brain can not cope. But I have calmed down and just today I made progress, getting things in to order that suit me. Its only a few hours a month. But again something I can do.

A cat adopted me a year ago. Caring for him is a big deal. He accepts me as I am. And that is reassuring and wonderful. I now utterly adore my cat. Wife is getting quite jealous.

I do try to look at what I can do and not what I can not do. Stroke groups are so good arent they. Only another survivor can possibly understand what we go through.

I hope you get my message that we can do something. And we have to start at the beginning.

Please note that you are not alone. Many of us are here for you on this forum and thousands more are out there somewhere. We joke that we should all move to the Isle of Wight and be with other SS. Maybe not. 

best wishes




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I can understand this. I have managed to get back to playing guitar and keyboards, although this is nothing like the standard I had achieved before. I also have started building robots from plastic kits. This is very demanding exercise for the fingers (and the brain!)


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I haven't been coming on here I lost my username and password just found them again so I'm back on I did go do a stroke group I'm a volunteer and I love it I want to do something not stroke that makes sense


Hi Julie

I'm pleased you have managed to log on! 

I hope someone can suggest some hobbies or interests for you.

Take care

Vicki smiley

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Something different to stroke could be related to animals if you like animals and want something new to volunteer to? Or maybe volunteer in a role that helps you gain new skills? One charity that I've always been a keen follower of is Contact the Elderly - they arrange monthly tea parties for lonely older people, I think it would be a fun and rewarding thing to do and good way to meet people (both in terms of the guests themselves but also the volunteers and hosts)

Or maybe just do something for fun that you want to try! You could set yourself a goal to try something new each month perhaps to see if you can find something that you want to stick with. Exercise, art, music. 


I find I've had to find new hobbies or adapted hobbies... Like my left handed art work. 


I would like to see your left handed art work


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I like films!!

Poltergeist BBC 1 23.50

K :polar_bear: :wink:

Ok for those who have eye issues like me poltergeist has lots of flashing lights and I had to stop watching those scenesā€¦

actually so many flashing images / tv stuff that I advise extreme caution watching it. I actually had to turn it off :disappointed_relieved:

K :polar_bear: :wink:


Hi All

I had a stroke 4 years ago. It was a ā€œRight Thalamic Infarctionā€, so the fully jobby. Iā€™ve been thinking of joining the forum for yonks (Brummie term) but have just got round to it.
I consider myself very fortunate as had absolutely no physical symptoms, no weakness, no speech issues etc. I know the physical side can be very significant for some, my aunty, for example.

The only persistent issues are that sometimes I forget things I do regularly. Two examples are that I forgot the pin code for my mobile. How many times do I type that in a day? To be precise, it wasā€™t forgotten, as I remembered it later in the day, so just couldnā€™t access it at that time. Now I use my fingerprint lol. Another is that I use a password manger for all my Internet accounts ad forgot the master password. No access to the manager, no access to ANY Internet account. Anyway I remembered it later and have now got it printed out in a safe place.
Sorry Iā€™m off topic. To the point. My hobby has been electronics since I was about 12 and built a crystal set radio in the bedroom. Itā€™s followed me throughout the years and Iā€™m now 64. Iā€™ve built up my test kit over the years, buying faulty kit, repairing and selling it and buying better kit. All my kit now is top-notch and is controlled by a GPS unit, making it as accurate as an atomic clock. Oops, wondering againā€¦ :grimacing:, Oh yes, the point. I havenā€™t touched it for years ad there it sits on the shelf, not even being turned on.
In the past Iā€™ve had lots of hobbies and anything that takes my fancy I would do and pursue as far as as I was able. I went magnet fishing for a while where you tie a strong magnet to a rope, throw it as far as you can and drag it back, seeing what sticks to it. Now I have absolutely no interest in electronics or, in fact, any hobby at all. At a family get together, the subject came up and intuitively, the family were all suggesting lots of different hobbies for me. I know they were trying to be helpful, but I found it quite stressful to keep saying I wasnā€™t interested in any of them.
It seems like Iā€™ve lost my mojo. Iā€™m not completely inactive though, as have been a keen volunteer in the past and was thinking of doing the same again, when I saw a request on a local neighbourhood site from a lady who has mobility issues and wanted a private driver. We met up and got on well. She lost her husband some years ago and her house was suffering from lack of maintenance so the job kind of morphed into doing DIY round the house for her. Iā€™m enjoying this very much and Itā€™s nice to have some responsibility again. I said I would do it for free, but she insisted on paying. At Ā£10 per hour, itā€™s not a life changing amount, but I do quite like earning again. This is good for me and good for her, so obviously will continue.
What Iā€™d really like is to be like I used to be, but maybe thatā€™s pie in the sky. Iā€™ve been thinking of selling all my electronics kit - if itā€™'s not been used for 4 years, it probably ainā€™t going to happen. The plan would be to stash the money, and if my interest ever does return, I could buy the kit again and any losses, build it up like I did before, or buy beer, whatever takes my fancy :joy:
If anyone has any views on this, Iā€™d very much like to hear from you and your opinions. In the past, Iā€™ve considered myself quite a driven person, often not considering the effort required to achieve a task, but now not so. Just to be clear, I donā€™t think Iā€™m depressed and Iā€™m not unhappy, just have a very strong longing for the old me. Itā€™s a hard knock lifeā€¦ :joy:

If youā€™ve got this far well done and thanks for reading!




Hi @SimonInEdinburgh

Thanks very much for your very thoughtful reply, which I read with interest. As I mentioned, Iā€™ve been volunteering for some decades not and am a firm believer in that if you help others, you help yourself. So, to answer your question, her gratitude is very rewarding for me. It makes me feel good about myself and that Iā€™ve done a good job. She suffers a lot with poor sleep, so a few times, sheā€™s asked me to let myself in and supervise some tree surgeons sorting the trees out. Of course, they knew what they were doing, and didnā€™t really need any supervision, just the occasional coffee. As I was sitting around a lot, I took the opportunity to clip some outside pipes to the wall, rake the leaves in the garden, brush the porch out and wash up. She was over the moon that Iā€™d done extra, but the thought of sitting on my botty for Ā£10 per hour made me uneasy.
Iā€™ve not attempted any new skills yet, but do like fixing things. She had a blocked sink in the kitchen which would not shift, even with aggressive pumping with a plunger. After a bit of poking around, I noticed the pipe wasnā€™t clipped to the wall and the warm water over time had made it sag, with the ed of the pipe touching the drain cover, allowing it to block. I lifted it and it cleared. As mentioned above, I clipped the pipe to the wall, cut the end of the pipe to make it shorter and made a small grid cover to keep the leaves out. The problem was fixed and unlikely to happen again. Now I found that satisfying.

I found your comments on brain function and damage interesting. Like most people, I googled my injury and what the thalamus does. It seems to be a bit of a ā€˜switchboardā€™ for the brain and is important for sleep. When you go to bed it says ā€˜right SHUT UP everyoneā€™ and everyone does and you drop off. I was quite lucky as this kind of injury can stop you sleeping. Ever. Now thatā€™s serious!
Your explanation of the generality of the impact makes perfect sense to me. I guess I need to mourn the loss of the old me, then get on with what Iā€™ve got left. Actually typing all this up and your response has helped no end, so Iā€™m very grateful. Itā€™s certainly going to be a work in progress. The same for all of us I guess.

Thanks again.

Steve :grin:


Ok so replying to my own post :joy:. Iā€™ve only just joined the forum, but enthused by posting up and getting a reply, Iā€™ve contacted my local stroke group and a very nice lady (Wendy) has contacted me, so Iā€™ll join and see where it goes. It costs a tiny Ā£10 per year which is no problem.
Also enthused, Iā€™m hopefully going to test my new mobile phone zoom lens. Now, Iā€™m no photography expert, but have bought a number of cheap phone lenses from eBay which are appalling, but hopefully this one is ok. If it is, Iā€™m going to buy one I like better. Story of my life; Buy something I like then find something better :joy:. See how the day goes. My wife has asked me to replace the big washing machine door seal today, so if Iā€™ve still got some lead in my pencil, Iā€™ll give the lens a bash. The longer term goals are to a) Photograph the clock in France from the beach and 2) Photograph or video the SpaceX Starlink satellite train in the sky. Keep Smilinā€™ Steve


Hi Simon

Thanks very much for the links which Iā€™ll check out. Yes, I meant a zoom lens. Iā€™ve now had a play with the lens and the quality is fairly good, although has a few mechanical issues, which I wonā€™t list now, in case readers go to sleep :joy:. In short, itā€™s quite a high zoom at 36x but is very tricky stopping it wobbling. Not put off, Iā€™ve ordered some pipe clips and a bar from eBay and will make something better. The related issue its that when you touch the phone to take a photo, it moves the lens, causing blur.
Anyway, I took a sample photo of the bird house in our garden then with the lens. The zoom is pretty good and also works OK with the 5x optical zoom on my phone.

Last night I was pretty pooped and lying on the sofa. I popped out the front for a vape and noticed a clear sky and full moon. So I forced myself to get the tripod out and set it up. Iā€™m pleased with the results, apart from the images being soft, which I think is the wobbly thing. Hopefully I can fix it with pipe clip assembly. Itā€™s also very hard to focus properly, once again hopefully down to the wobble. For taking a photo, Iā€™ve ordered a Bluetooth remote shutter for a couple of quid. Itā€™s going to be like xmas next week! :joy:,

All being well, Iā€™ll get out next week and try the clock in France, but probably only after Iā€™ve made the lens mount.

Cheers Steve


OK so replying to my own post again :joy::joy::joy:

Just had a good look at my phone camera. Itā€™s got a Pro mode, where you can choose which lens, White Balance, Focus, shutter speed, ISO, EV (dunno what that is, Extra Voltage?) :joy:

Anyway it seems to have all the tiddly bits of an SLR, so think with a bit of learning I reckon I could get that moon pic crack on. Not going to do much though until Iā€™ve made the lens clamp. No point in buggering about with a lens that does an impression of a Weeble. You know, they wobble but they donā€™t fall down :joy:

Cheers Steve


Yes it is. No it isnā€™t. It is. Isnā€™t :joy: I think I get it. So, to get the same effect and ignoring camera shake, a large aperture and high shutter speed can be the same as smaller aperture and lower shutter speed. Both could have the same EV number as in pure exposure terms, the two can be the same eg the same EV number. Is that it?

On a different tack, after a bit of argy bargy with the seller, Iā€™ve agreed to keep the lens for a Ā£10 discount. It cost Ā£30.00 originally. My brother was very interested in the shots I took so might be able to sell it to him for Ā£20, making me even.

Iā€™ve already ordered the 20-40x direct from Apexel, which will take about a week. All the bits of hardware for the clamp should come some time this week, so I can play with that in advance.

Iā€™ll post up about the pucker lens when it arrives and take some piccies of my clamp, unless it doesnā€™t work and then wonā€™t mention it again :joy:




I wish I had seen this post earlier! Hello, Steve and Simon. I always learn something when there is talk of photography. A pre-stroke interest of mine.

Like you, Steve, I have had no real hobbies since stroke with the exception of swimming when I am able to get to a pool, but even that has been more about my recovery than pure enjoyment these days.

One of my strokes was right thalamic (hemorrhagic). I was unaware of the sleep issue. I have sleep issues but after 2.5 years they finally seem to be a little more normal now.

I suffered a concussion very many years back and my sleep reminded me of that. I just couldnā€™tā€¦at all. I was awake 5 days straight, until the doctor gave me Amitriptolene (however you spell it). I was excitable and agitated for about 2 weeks, rarely sleeping, even with the help. I suppose I thought of my sleep until lately as kind of the same thing, so I learned something from you.

I used to have many hobbies, none of which are very important to me anymore. I donā€™t really miss them much.

Somewhere along the line recently, I remembered that just like pre-stroke, I decide who I am, and I decide what interests me, what I believe, what I want to do or be in this world. And that made me stop missing old me. It isnā€™t like I was overly content with her, eitherā€¦I just was familiar with her. There were no real surprises because I knew how she would react. She was dependable/reliable in a way I was comfortable with more than content with.

Now I am completely free to be a new me. Mostly without preconceived notions of who that is. I know I was way faster before, but I actually have more time now, so why must I be fast? I no longer work, and I am no longer truly responsible for feeding, clothing, housing others, so there are really no expectations I have to live up to. That is wonderfully free-ing.

Perhaps I am the lucky one, after all. How many people get this opportunity?


Exactly like that. He can sleep in the sunshine if he choosed, whether wealthy or poor. Probably has more time for it in the latter category, so long as he fishes enough to feed himself and family if he has one. I have much less cleaning to do these days because I am more careful not to make a mess I canā€™t clean up. I didnā€™t really have to be careful before as I worked faster, didnā€™t tire as easily and could go without sleep for long periods of time to get caught up if I was behind. Perhaps that did not help at all with that blood pressure! And perhaps not stressing myself to that level consistenly might have been a better stroke deterrent. Who knows? But I do know, I am in no hurry to get that stress and level of achievement or productiveness back. Iā€™m not a rat and I am not racing to my finished line.