Lorraine here have been on the forum a few times to talk about ongoing insomnia which is a massive problem for me . Am about to embark on trying hypnotherapy as I have exhausted all other options without any success. Just wondering wether anyone else out there has given this a try and wether any positive results were achieved as I will be spending a substantial amount on this but is really my last resort.
Sorry to hear you’re struggling to find anything to help with insomnia. @Pisceslady2023 has been asking about insomnia today too. Maybe you could share some ideas.
I’ve never tried hypnotherapy so can’t offer any advice but I really hope, if you decide to try it, that it helps.
Best wishes
Ann x
I have a consultation next Thurs to discuss wether she thinks she can help I did try acupuncture which didn’t work for me but will certainly let you know wether this helps in any way.
I had 2 sessions a week for about 6 weeks without any relief at all then couldn’t afford any more at the time.
I appreciate everyone’s different so may have positive effect for some same will probably be true of hypnotherapy but will post let others know how i get on .
Hi nigelgos,up to now I’ve just had a consultation to see if she thought she could help. She thought she could at least help to improve things . The 2nd one was more about goals and finding out more about myself. I’m there this afternoon and next Friday for the actual hypnotherapy so will see how that goes before booking anymore so will definitely let u know how that goes.
Yes my sessions are 80 to only had 1 since last posted which was more to do with relaxation and she gave me a cd to take home have another this week before going away for a week as its such a deep and long term problem this insomnia i suppose it could take some time to see any improvements . But will definately keep updating. Good luck if you go ahead.
Hi nigelgos , just to let you know have had a couple of hypnotherapy sessions since I last posted to you I have to admit not really given me any positive results with zthe insomnia to expensive to just keep going I’m afraid this is just my experience obviously other people may have a more positive experience good luck and if you find something that works please let me know.
Shame it hasn’t helped you @Lorraine_Langham
At least you’ve given it a try.
Hope you find some relief soon xx
Thank you yes I hope so to nearly 3 years now this insomnia has persisted really gets me down and effects my quality of life so much but try and stay positive that eventually will get better
Have kept the CDs she gave me as they are quite good help for relaxation just not to get you to sleep . We just have to keep plugging on and trying anything that might help good luck for the future