My husband (55) who is the fittest person I know , doesn’t smoke , rarely drinks exercises regularly isn’t over weight and is never sick !!! had a TIA early hours of Monday morning . We were completely unaware and he went to work . He suddenly collapsed when he got up for a wee at about 2am and couldn’t get up from where he fell … luckily he fell onto to the bed . I thought he was having a dream so shouted for him to wake up and open his eyes. Which he did finally and we both went back to sleep🫣. For the following 2 days he was disoriented, very wobbly , dizzy and a dull ache in his head . We thought he had vertigo or suddenly low blood pressure so finally on Wednesday after fighting with the GP receptionist he got an appointment with the Dr who immediately recognised that he was not well , straight to A&E and saw the stroke dr who has pumped him full of drugs , MRI , CT etc he has weakness on his left side . We are now in limbo and shock awaiting for the stroke clinic next week. He didn’t have any of the typical symptoms and we have no idea what’s next . The only thing we can think of is maybe stress . He is a frontline police officer of over 28years and could’ve actually retired by now but felt to young and fit to do so . This has knocked us both sideways we are in shock and are wondering what happens next … any advice would be great because we are completely in the dark and Dr Google is worst case scenarios