Link to questionnaire:
Please copy and paste link into a web browser to find out more or to take part.
More information can be found below or attached.
My name is Chris Higton, and I am a trainee Health Psychologist at Staffordshire University.
I want to better understand how unpaid carers contribute to people recovering from stroke and I need your help to do this please.
What is involved?
I need you and your unpaid carer to fill in a short questionnaire.
It should take no more than a total of 25 minutes for you to fill.
You can take breaks at any time.
You can return to the questionnaire by clicking back on the link.
About the project
Using this questionnaire, I want to understand how your unpaid carer contributes towards your recovery.
By unpaid carer I mean a spouse, partner, sibling etc. someone who helps you most of the time
What do you need to do to take part?
To fill in a questionnaire should take no longer 25 minutes. It has three parts.
Part a can be filled in by the stroke survivor or carer.
Part b by the carer.
Part c by the stroke survivor with help if necessary.
All answers given will be anonymous.
For more information or to take part please click on the link below:
Copy and paste into your web browser
If you need the questionnaire in an alternative format such as paper or to fill it in over the telephone, please contact me on the details below.
Want to contact me?
You can contact me (Chris Higton) at any time on the below email address: or ring me on (0)121 476 1181 EXT:2399
Please feel free to forward this message to any other stroke survivor who you think might be interested in completing the questionnaire.