How goes your recovery

I have quite a few reoccuring problems. I had my first stroke in December 21 when i fell out of a coach onto the driver in Scotland didnt have much in the way of rehab on my return. I was doing well until september 23 when i had another, 6 weeks in hospital this time quite a difference in treatment this time much better a full treatment at home. I was hoping that i was as good as it was getting but it was still improving. I hope that this seems a bit literate but my i dont want to.

I seem to rambling a bit at the moment.

I want to talk about the squirel thay pays visits to my garden but i hope to visit again but it seems beyond me at the moment. I want to encourage them but im not allowed out unless i have the full two rools of cotton woll around me. I saw some one asking about , hair growth my finger nails have given a leap of extention.

Sorry to only type o few line going back wards and forwards is tiring me out


@Allan_4389 sorry to hear you’ve had a 2nd stroke but good that treatment was better this time around. It should always be good but that’s a whole other story.

We have squirrels too but they, like Simon’s, spend most of their time wrecking our bird feeders. I do like to see them though.

I hope you’re soon released from the cotton wool & can venture into the garden.

Best wishes


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