How do you increase distance when you walk

Alot of times i use my wheelchair because Im afraid i will fatigue when shopping etc… i use a quad cane around my home, as my balance is still off…


Have you ever tried using a rollator? If I go out a short distance I use two walking sticks. If I am going a little farther then I use a rollator. Mine is a 4 wheel version and keeps me steady while walking. It also has a seat so that I can sit down to rest when necessary. I find the rollator gives me extra confidence when out. My model has a small carry bag attached so I can put a small amount of shopping in it and still keep my hands free to hold on to the rollator handles.


I have a 4 wheel rollator on loan and have just started going out alone. It also helps my confidence and helps me to practice a more upright posture which hopefully will improve the backache I get. The seat is very handy for an occasional rest. I still carry my stick when I walk short distances.


How I did it. I walked to the end of my close and back to begin with and that was enough without wearing me out. And that’s the key, to work out how far and how long you can go and get back without feeling fatigued at the end of the walk…you must always keep some energy in reserve for those “just in case” moments. Never wait until you are tiring before turning back for home.

If/when you are fine with that distance, you can try doubling it next time.
You also need to time how long it takes you to get from point A to point B (the turnaround) and you’ll know that is how long it’ll take you to get back to the beginning, point A.
You gradually build your times and distances from there until you can walk an hour in total. Then you can concentrate more on increasing your speed perhaps, to reduce the time it takes you to do that walk. If not, then you could continue increasing distance to walk for longer, whatever best suits you.

Hope that helps give you an idea of how to increase your distance.
Age UK run Strength & Balance classes around the country which you might benefit from. You can look for your local one here, just key in your post code to find where’s the nearest. They are basically free, it by donations only.


@Elizabeth1 I am 100% with “Emerald Eyes.” A little bit further each day until you feel more confident.


@Elizabeth1 i increased my distance very gradually. One house one day then when that was ok I tried 2 houses etc. Some people use lamp posts (we don’t have any). As @EmeraldEyes says don’t wait until tired before turning back. A rollator is a good idea too as they often have a seat so you can rest if you need to.


Not entirely sure if this will work but if you have an exercise bike, you can build up stamina risk free before trying the next bit of longer walking ?


@Nigelglos I agree and even if my walking is a bit stiff or wonky, I feel very strong and agile on my stationary bike. It can sit up straight or go back at an angle like a recumbent bike and was very affordable. Most of them adjust to various tensions and can build up leg muscles with aerobics built in.


I have a recumbent bike and I would say it’s easily in the top 3 things I have bought to help post stroke.
The use was built up over a while and until the recent pain levels, I went from gently to really going for it in set times

I often couldn’t walk at all well after trying everything to beat a previous best. More comfortable having a proper seat.
So much easier with not having to dismount :grin:


I have a big wide seat on my bike which saves the “man’s bits” if you know what I mean. lol

Thank you for your suggestions🙂 i am still hemipelegic… so i cant steer a rollator … thatcwas good idea though.

I can walk very short distance with afo and quad cane…

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When my physiotherapist was starting me walking she took me to the foot of our stairs and instructed me to hold the banister rail and use the first step. Step up and then step down repeatedly, as an exercise to improve balance, strength and stamina. She explained that the act of stepping up and down was far more intensive than merely walking.

I don’t know if this would be of any use to you. Maybe? Anyway don’t give up, you will improve as you walk. Be patient I find the changes take a while to be noticeable, which is why some keep a diary.

Incidentally sometimes I simply carry a walking stick, avoiding actually using it if I can.

Keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:


I am the slowest walker on the planet since my stroke…….well close to it. I take a stick with me when out & about not just for support for my balance issues but I also find other people are more tolerant of me holding them up if I have my stick. I got fed up of being tutted at & pushed out the way.

They have many uses - find them good for closing doors when I can’t reach the handles too :grin: