Hospital planned discharge

Hi all, i have just joined My Stroke Guide and am looking for some advice. My mother who has dementia had a stroke16 days ago she was taken to A and E from her nursing/ care home, then from A and E to an elderly care ward, two days later she ended up on the stroke ward.She could not swallow or speak and five days after addmittance the junior dr sent her for a chest x ray to see if she had a chest infection, later that same day a tube was put through her nose and she waited to have another x ray to see if it was was in her stomach, this did not happen till the next day some 20 hours later they then found the tube had gone into her lung abd so removed it and reasserted it into her stomach.She now has a very serious chest infection. Her consultant who is only in the ward on a wedensday, and the rest of the week she is under junior drs he now wants a family meeting with the family to discuss withdrawing treatment and sending her back to the nursing home for pallative care.Yesterday she started talking normally again and we think he is not giving her a chance to recover some more.Where does the family stand with this. Any advice much appreciated.



I am sorry to hear of your mother's and your family situation which is really difficult for all. I wonder if the family know what your mum's wishes would be? I know when my mum was in a situation where they could have put her onto life support with no real hope of recovery, my dad  was able to say that mum always said she didn't want machines. It's good to be having the meeting and maybe you could make out a list of points and questions you want to cover? Maybe someone from the care home, who knows your mum could come along? Sorry not to be more help and thinking about you x