Holiday List For Older and Disabled People

Just thought I’d make a separate post for this as @Trishk brought up the topic on another post. I thought some folk might find it useful if considering a little getaway, although I haven’t a clue what any of them are like as I’ve never needed them.

This list contains the details of some of the holiday
companies who provide holiday packages which may be
suitable for older adults. Also, holiday packages specifically
designed for disabled adults.
Inclusion on this list does not constitute a recommendation
by Age UK

Stroke Improvement Group


Thanks for sharing that Lorraine,that’s a very useful post.

Regards Sue

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Thanks for sharing Lorraine. That’s really useful.

I also came across a Facebook group called Accessible & Adapted Foreign Holidays for Disabled People (UK based) if anyone is on Facebook.

Best wishes


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@Mrs5K I was going to post the link from facebook to save folk hunting for it, but you also need to log in to facebook to access it, but I put the link in anyway.

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Thank you muchly. I didn’t think about adding the link - it’s been a long day :rofl:

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You’re working, I’m not :blush:

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