Hi I’m new to this!

Hi everyone, sorry we are linked in this way.

I’m Kate, I’m 45 and had a veins stroke on the 28th of December. I spent 6 days in hospital. I lost a lot of my memory, reading and writing. My writing has returned, but I can’t spell!!! I still cannot remember things, like animals!!!
I’m really struggling reading.

I hope you are all being kind to yourself. This is a tough journey that we are on.

But we will get there xxx


Hi Kate and welcome to the forum and the fact that you have made it here is progress in itself :hugs: It’s very early days for you yet, you’ve lots of recovery still ahead of you for your brain to reconnect and engage :smile: It’ll be slow but you’ll get there one day at a time, one step at a time.

Think of yourself as a new born with all those firsts ahead of you again.

Good luck, stay positive, get lots of rest, frequent naps are still order of the day…just like a baby :smile:

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Hi Kate-- I never could spell!!! Not much of a loss nowadays, since everything’s done on computer and it has spell-check. :grin: Seriously, sorry to hear about your stroke. It’s been such a short time since Dec. 28. Stroke recovery takes time, so don’t be discouraged. I am continuing to improve, and it’s been 4 1/2 years since my stroke. Of course, I began to get well in the early weeks and months, It’s just that the recovery continues. You’ll find a wealth of different experiences and help on this site, so welcome. :slightly_smiling_face: :heart:Jeanne



Hi Kate, and welcome!

I’d consider myself new to this too - and suffered a TIA just before New Year. I’d lost my speech but within 24 hours it was returning - and more so during a week in hospital and ever since. With my own experience and seeing that of others, things take time. And how much time varies from person to person.

I’ve found this forum to be a fountain of knowledge. It’s so useful to have a look around, see what others have or are working with, take on some tips and also share your own elements which can help others.

Fatigue is a common factor. At first, I would sleep midday, every day. Then not every day, and now rarely. Ultimately, “listen to your body” was a top tip I picked up. And it’s so true. Try things, see what does or doesn’t work but YOU are your own judge. Just the other day I purposely had a long day without stopping. I wanted to see. And the following day I was a mess. But I did it for me and at least I know! :wink:

All the best with your recovery. Small steps all the way…



My personal philosophy is calm down, relax into it and learn that this is just who you are now. I feel the sooner I relaxed and accepted, the easier it is for my brain to concentrate on healing. The brain gets overloaded when you are in panic mode seeking assurances, chasing answers and quick fixes to get back on track as soon as possible. It’s what my sister tried to do with me bless her but my brain was having none of that :smile: I think she was far more frustrated than ever was :laughing:

Once you’ve calmed you beginning to see your progressions, one step at a time, that’s all it takes…time!


Hello Kate and sorry that you are here in the club nobody wants to join.
Thdt said this club is full of understanding empathy knowledge care and love and people from all over - sll ages, and all on their own individual journey of recovery .

As others have said this is you version 2 and its esrly days to get used to that idea!!!

Its ok not to always be ok and try not yo be too hard on yourself - every day can see something different.

Wishing you well on your journey

Andy xx


You’ve joined the best club around for support and reading this thread there was all the advice id have said

Ask, rant, celebrate, cry, contribute as you feel is right for you :slight_smile:

Browse / search around too. Most topics are here somewhere


Hi Kate sorry to hear you had this stroke and now you are one us stroke survivor when first happens you whole world falls apart and everything you took for granted you do each day every mundane thing becomes obstacle so we have to relearn all these things again and take them part and break them down into small manageable parts small steps and slowly you can reach our goal and gain a little bit of independence back again no matter how small that his it’s still achievement worth celebrating so I wish you many goals and achievements on road to recovery after such bad experience at very young age and May you have many happy moments along the way take care all best Kaz61


Hello Kate,

Nice to meet you, welcome to this forum.
I am 41 has my stroke caused by VAD in January just 2 months ago.

Fining this forum has been a life saver, I found it at a very low and isolating point in the middle of the night just a few days post stroke and coming on now and then to catch up has given me a sense of belonging.
Not to mention the amazing hints and tips from the other SS.

It sounds like you are making amazing progress, keep shining!



Just popping in to update my story.
It’s been a long time since I said hello to you all and a lot has happened for me.
I have returned to work on a very very gradual phased return with a huge list of adjustments which my manager is being amazingly supportive with.
I have had my first alcoholic beverage (a glass of part cider part lemonade) and it felt like 6 pints in that it shot to my head.

I have had another MRI and MRA which has shown my vertribal artery still has an occlusion and this is sad because I was really hoping to hear things were on the mend, the neurologist however said that it is very clear from ally other reports it was a possible injury that caused it and I could come off my medication, however since I’m not getting bad side effects then it won’t hurt to stay on them.
They are not recommending surgery and said that they haven’t really got much evidence to support what the chances of another stroke might be in this scenario but will see me back for a review in August.

Makes me feel a little disheartened and a bit more anxious but I’m fighting through it daily and battling on like a true stroke surviving soldier.

I found the different strokes FB group and have been chatting mostly on there aswell.

My holiday to Morocco is booked for the end of this month and my insurance is paid for so I’m looking forward to this next milestone n my post stroke story.

Anyone else still have a blocked artery? How does it make you feel?


Hi Lorraine,
We go on the 31st May so I’ll let you know it’s a first time for us to go there so looking forward to it.

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Hi sounds like you have come long way in short time so we’ll done nice to hear as for scans yes it’s always worry when feel everything is coming along and you feel more stable in yourself but underlining factors still remain the same that’s why it’s good to have medical team keeping eye on this and closely monitoring you sounds good to remain on your medication prescribe why there are still evidence showing from sac and as point out but like all stroke survivors I feel it’s all wise to take each day at time as there will always be good days and and bad days but you should feel great that you have achieved lot in short space of time and have mange to be back at work with great support in place from you management I hope it continues this way for you stay safe stay strong all best

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