Hi ho, hi ho, it’s back to work I go

Just a quick one to say my return to “normal” life has taken another leap forward as occupational health has said I’m ok to go back. Only 4 hours a day for now but it’s a start……

Also I suspect at the end of each day I be sleepy and grumpy badum tish

Bad dad joke there


I’m looking to do the 5 days as I’d normally do 40 hours over 5 days.

Think occupational health said over 5 weeks to get back to 9 hours per day again. The issue should be getting into the office for 6:45 again on an early

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@SimonInEdinburgh ill be making sure to have plenty more paracetamol as tiredness can make my joints ache


:partying_face: So happy for you, well done :partying_face:
I hope it all goes well for you. Just relax and get good night’s sleep the night before. And don’t fret about your first day back because they really won’t be expecting too much, so don’t think you have to go back full steam ahead. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

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@EmeraldEyes im gonna be getting my laptop sorted on Monday and then the fun of getting all my system accesses again, dse assessment, PEEP completed and all that fun stuff

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@SimonInEdinburgh display screen equipment and personal emergency evacuation plan


@garethc970 fantastic news for you. Hope it goes really well. Speaking from my own personal experience you’ll probably be tireder than you expect so try & take regular breaks throughout your working hours. Build up gradually & don’t be afraid to tell them if getting back to 9 hours in 5 weeks is too much.

Best of luck. A massive step forward.



Yes, its a plus, a positive milestone and an inspiration to others

An understanding supportive employer is essential

Sincerely hope that you keep progressing

Take care.



@garethc970 That’s great news. It was a big day for me when I went back into the office. It sounds like you emeployer is supportive of you going back, as was mine, sadly it’s not always the case.

I had occupational therapy assessments a few weeks after my stroke then 5 months in, before they said ok to go back. I was off work for 6 months - the OT said that was the minimum regardless of the impact of the stroke - boy was she right! Staged hours increase, first week was two days @ 2 hours - I was cream-crackered after that, it was mostly talking to workmates about how it was going!

Very best wishes for your return, don’t push to hard, it will become easier over time.


Well here we go! First one back in the office which had me terrified but, as they say there’s only growth when you push beyond the comfort zone. It’s called comfort for a reason


Hope all went ok and that you’re raring to go for day 2 x

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