Hi Everyone

The road is definitely full of bumps but hopefully as you progress it gets a little smoother. Allow yourself a down day, we all get them. Hoped tomorrow will be better for you x


Thanks Mrs5K. There’s a line from a Vera Lynn song, “tomorrow is a lovely day.” :+1:


Hi, that’s a great achievement :clap:. You should be well pleased with yourself and I’m sure husband is pleased for you too.

Well done and enjoy your rest.

Regards Sue

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Hi @Foxy88
Sorry to hear of your stroke. This is a great group of people who can offer a whole range of advice and support as and when its needed.
I had my stroke five and a half years ago now and although I am not a regular contributer I know where to come for advice or just a bit of a pick me up. There are times when I have been down and thinking the world was against me, just posting your feelings, anger and fustration sometimes is a problem shared.
Try it👍🏻
Good luck in your recovery.


Thank you so much Binty it has been very humbling hearing from everyone just knowing you are not alone really helps looking forward to finding my way around and being able to talk with everyone x :grinning:


Hi foxy and welcome . I am now 16 months post stroke and still striving to get back to “me”. I’m so much better than I was at the start but still struggling with certain things . This forum is full of people who can help and advise . Feel free to ask advice because one of us has probably experienced whatever your issues are . Many best wishes suzywong


Hi Suzywong thank you so much for your reply.
I have been made so welcome to the group and must admit very grateful for all the very kind regards.
I sometimes have felt that its only me that feels this way, but I am learning more about this and the advice its a big matter of help i think i was needng so thank you everyone for making me realise I am not alone from here on in .