Help! @IanM "Whole body TIA" What is that?

I’ve never felt so physically ill in my life. Penciled in diagnosis "whole body TIA. Has anyone heard if this? Briefly my whole body just gave out. O2 was dropping. Systolic was stable but diastolic was all over the place. Hospital mystied. To discuss case tomorrow and try and come up with something if that diagnosis seems wrong. I’m back home and all has stabilized again. But I’ve to do nothing but rest just now. Will get a phone call tomorrow morning. Any ideas? Can’t find it online, maybe has another medical name. Thanks, Regards, Ian.


Holy Wow! I am completely stumped on that diagnosis/description!

Keep in mind, I am not a medical professional. I wanted to let you know someone is here as soon as I saw your post.


You must be very worried and that will not help. Please rest as calmly as possible, your body will need that, most especially your brain.

I did have eschemic strokes all over my body…actually embolic, from a bacterial infection (sepsis). I know that is not the only reason they happen but am not certain what other issues cause them. Mine were in different areas of brain, spine, liver, spleen and kidneys. My heart was the cause of them going so many different places as it pumped that infection through my blood stream to all those areas. The good news is, I am still here, and able to do so much I was unable to before. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I would like to hear back from you when you are able.



S**t. I’m so sorry!!

I can’t even begin to try and help with a diagnosis I’m afraid :cry:

My BP issues at the moment are weird too. but I have been told that as long as Sys is over say 100ish then don’t care even if it’s up to 160 or so. but DIA is more important - what has yours been fluttering between if that’s the right phrase?

Mine is between 90 and 115… yesterday average was 150/99. That’s at least below 100.

I was watching a medical thing the other day and they said lower than 75 is concern?

Just rest!!!

I’m trying but clearly not succeeding!! I’m watching south park…

May the great polar bear in the sky watch over you!

Here is a picture of a polar bear catching a seal to cheer you up

Polar Bear is hunting seals | POLAR BEAR ON THE HUNT.......😳 A hungry polar  bear is ambushing plump seal. Polar bears rely sea ice to find and catch  most of their prey.

:polar_bear: :wink:


@IanM, Put that way it must sound pretty scary and I’m so sorry you are going through this. I tried a few searches and came up with nothing either, like @DeAnn, I’m no expert either.
But I’m guessing your TIA might have occurred in the brain stem because that would affect heart rate, breathing and blood pressure…a temporary disruption to the blood supply to the brain stem.

In the mean time do as the doctor said, rest and try to relax because looking into this and trying to self diagnose isn’t going to help your condition…as hard as that might be. Good luck with tomorrows phone call, I sincerely hope all goes well for you :pray: You can recover!


Gosh Ian like the other folk I’m concerned for you

I guess anything that develops requires an air trip to Inverness?

Like the others I couldn’t find much online other than the unsurprising notions that I TIA or stroke will physically affect any location in the brain or is DeAnn says actually the body - and locked in syndrome which is the other word for whole body immobilization is one of the potential effects. There’s a lady who isn’t on here called Kate who had whole body locking syndrome and is now back running (hills or marathons don’t remember) and working and all sorts of things and I think strider / carol had overcame it.

Emeralds suspicion that it was one affecting the autonomic nervous system sounds the most plausible - from a lay persons knowledge base

Have you said any time seriously what the cause of your original stroke was ?- I don’t recall - but things like AF, cholesterol & clogged vessels, PFO, anything that is an underlying trigger that isn’t removed has the potential for new events - and then there’s just the whole overriding complexity that is the ways in which funny things can happen

Deffo a time to take things easy. Maybe enjoying a view with some breathing exercises and meditation?, Also take your meds and (get someone else to) assertively advocate for your rights for diagnostic and preventive actions? - You’ve paid for the service through taxes forever more now a ‘claim’ must be honoured

Fingers crossed for you.


@IanM sorry to hear you’re feeling so rubbish. I’ve never heard of whole body TIA but no expert. It sounds very scary for you though. As everyone else has said take it very easy today & wait tomorrow’s call where hopefully you’ll get some answers.

Try not to worry in the meantime (like it’s that easy hey).

Best wishes & good luck for tomorrow’s call.

Ann x


@DeAnn. Thanks for that. Kind of you to reply. I’m sorry all you’ve gone/going through. Had more tests a few hours ago. Still the same diagnosis pencilled in. Drs head scratching. Going to start from beging (I’ve already had 4 TIA’s). Should get a phonecall tomorrow to get Doppler on carotids and CT brain, to recheck nothing was missed in last ones. Physically much improved today. Body feels battered but it’s not uncomfortable. diastolic is reasonably stable as is oxygen. As you said, I’ve just to rest. That’s what I get for offering to dry the dishes. I think I’d managed 4 plates. The change was just as though a switch had been pressed. So physically feeling so well and improving, to the complete opposite. Thank you for praying for me. Yes, God hears prayer through Christ. He’s been gentle with me.:slightly_smiling_face:.

Appreciate your reply. It’s one thing reading about something in a book but it’s only someone like yourself who actually been through it, that really understand. Kind regards, Ian.


@KGB Hi there. I don’t feel bad now when I see your diastolic figures. Systolic was it’s usual, average 175 and stable. Diastolic was bouncing between 55 to 110.
Thanks for replying. It’s much appreciated. Glad I found this forum. Everyone is so understanding and encouraging. My own issues aren’t so bad when I see what others are going through yet make what must be an effort to help😊. Wish you well. Kind regards, Ian.


That “as if someone had flicked a switch” is mostly but not always how a spacey odd not right, foggy your not clear thinking, etc comes on for me too.
Normally it fades away but sometimes it goes off like the flick of a switch as well

Glad to hear you’re feeling better


How’s it going today @IanM ?


@IanM not much to add and I second all the best wishes from our members here. I am a big believer in prayer and will pray for you this morning and that your doctors get to the bottom of your symptoms. Rest and recover my friend.