Hello I'm new to this site

First of all happy new year everyone! May this year be better than our last.
Hi my name is Maria I’m 49 and had my stroke 4th January 2024 it’s like my whole world has changed in the blink of an eye. I’m determined not to give up fighting to try and find me again I have more good days now than I did in the beginning but also some days where do I really want to face another day like this😔 . The anniversary of my stoke is approaching I’m nervous and scared I don’t want to be left alone and I’m struggling to sleep over thinking everything. I’ve recently finished my 8 weeks of calls with another person who had a stroke just having a general conversation about anything just took me away from my mind running overtime I felt normal for a while like I used to when I had friends before my stroke . I’m wondering is there anything else like this where we can talk to other people ? Any tips for getting me passed my anxiety of my anniversary? Do you all struggle facing the outside world since your stroke ? How do you get passed that?


@Maria2024 Hi & welcome to the community. Sorry to hear about your stroke. I think we can all appreciate the lide changing in the blink of an eye part. It certainly is life changing.

Like you I was 49 when I had my stroke. The route back to where we want to be is often a long one but sounds like you have the determination to get there.

Good to hear you found the Here for You calls useful. I’m not sure if it is still the case but I think there was a time when you could extend it for a little bit if needed. Might be worth an ask. The Stroke Association also have an online activities hub where you can join in activities with others via zoom. Have a look at this link.


There may also be some aupport groups in your local area and you can find details Here

@Bobbi is also looking at the possibility of setting up a virtual meeting for people juat to get together and chat. It’s in the early stages yet so no details at mo but I’m sure he’ll pop by and say hi soon.

Different Strokes alao hold virtual meetings for younger stroke survivors


In relation to the first anniversary that is always likely to be difficult. I used it as a time to reflect on how far i had come. But i also filled the day with things to distract me as i do other days to stop me dwelling too much.

I have sensory overload and definitely struggle with the noise and hustle & bustle of the outside world. I bought some loop earplugs to help with the noise. I rhink the best way to deal with most things is to build up gradually. Try going out for a short while with someone then if that goes ok try for a bit longer etc etc. Set some small goals…walk to the first house/lamppost/ around one shop etc, just pop out for a coffee then build up to 2 houses and so on.

Best wishes



Absolutely. Get passed? hmmm… let me think about that !!
fake it until you make it ?

Good luck on your journey, Roland


Hello and welcome to the club that none of us want to be a part of.

I’m 33, had my stroke in September. My advice for your questions about anxiety, try speaking to your GP about getting anti depressants/SSRI’s. They got me out of a hole.

I can’t remember what anxiety feels like lol.

Good luck!


Thank you ann for your kind words I will look at the links you have shared. I think I might try get some of them earplugs you mentioned as I also find too much noises over baring I’ve not been out in months apart from slowly walking to the car with the kids and just sitting there watching the world go by. I’ll be going off to visit my parents in a few days it’s a 5 hour drive it’s going to be the longest time out of the house but it will be worth it as I’ve not seen my parents since my stroke .
I wish you a better year with your recovery I hope 2025 will bring us all some good healing.

Best wishes


Faking it is so easy! the fake smile , the fake happiness, the fake yeah I’m doing good but my biggest struggle is getting outside where there are people lol

Thank you for the best wishes I wish you the best for 2025 also

Best wishes



Hello Matt
I do have anti depressants and beta blockers for the panic attacks the furthest I’ve gotten is to my car I’ve attempted to get to the local shop a few times now but not made it to the door as yet . I will not give up trying .

Best wishes to you for 2025



Sorry I was being silly, of course it’s useless to fake it. Remind yourself, that you care a lot more about how you cope and look than they do. You think they’ve never seen somebody walk with a stick, with a limp, with a struggle? Sooner or later you’ve got to pluck up the courage and get out there.

okay, how about in small doses / steps ? just 10 minutes then retreat. teach yourself it’s safe to be with people. just survive it a few times, and that way you will break the ice. work out a plan of action. baby steps… slowly slowly

good luck in 2025 !!!


@Maria2024 the earplugs help me a lot so definitely worth considering. Build up your going out gradually. I started going out with a friend just for a coffee and only for half hour. I was initially very worried about what everyone would think when they say me wobbling everywhere but I found that most people are actually very kind and will help you out where they can. I also realise now just how many people there are out there as wobbly as or worse than me. It’s still not easy but i’m determined not to be tied to my house any more than i need to be.

I hope your visit to your parents goes well. 5 hrs is a long drive but i’m sure it’ll go better than you imagine. Be great to see them too.

Look forward to hearing how yoy get on.

Best wishes



Happy New Year Maria and welcome along. The online sessions for the Stroke Association and also Different strokes are good for meeting other people online who have been through similar situation.

Local Headway groups are also a good way to meet other people who have had brain injuries and who will have common ground with us stroke people. I found it to be a friendly atmosphere to meet up for coffee and a chat in person. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Maria2024

Welcome to the community, I’m sorry to hear about your stroke and the difficulties you’re facing.

I know our Online Activities has been mentioned. This is a great place to speak with other stroke survivors, you can gain practical tips from others and have a place where you can speak with others who have been through similar experiences.

I hope some of the replies here have given you some ideas of things to try and help with your anxiety.

If you need anything whilst you’re using the Online Community, please don’t hesitate to tag me using my user name and the @ symbol.


Hi @Maria2024

This is just to say “Welcome to this forum”. I am sure you will find it very useful in many ways.

I note you have already had many responses to your post and I hope they have provided some support and information you were hoping for.

Best wishes.

Peace & Love
:dove: & :love_you_gesture:

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Hi Maria, my stroke was in 2013 when I was 48. I still struggle to this day. Some things are physical but more are emotional. Remember, tomorrow is a new day with new possibilities for all of us! Sharing your feelings with others is an invaluable source of healing. Welcome to our family!


Hi @Maria2024 and welcome to the forum and may I be the first to congratulate you on your first anniversary :partying_face: :clap: :clap: :clap: :partying_face: The first year is always the hardest and so full of what if’s and negativities.

But you have made it, now make this new year the year you start taking back control of yourself! Don’t let your fears hold you back or stop you from living your life. Get into that local shop, just stand inside the door, explain what you’re doing there in need be. Every person has a story to tell, you’ll be surprised how much people will be able to empathise with you. You are not alone!

It would also do you good to join your local stroke group if there is one, AgeUK is also another good group to join if you have one locally. They may have a fitness class, usually chair based exercises, which you would benefit from greatly. Exercise does raise the feel good factor which, in turn, will help with your confidence and moral.

Don’t ever give up, make this your year to fight back to a new you :people_hugging:



I also have numbness (and pins and needles and extreme pain)in my left foot since my stroke in April and nothing seems to alleviate it.It is driving me nuts1 iID


@ElaineCresswell just popping by to say hi and welcome to the community.

I hope you are making good progress since your stroke & really hope you get some relief from the numbness, pain etc soon.

Best wishes


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Hello @ElaineCresswell just wanted to welcome you to the forum. There will be others along soon enough with similar pain issues yours who can advise. In the mean time you can find many posts on pain or cpsp by using the search bar above :mag: :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @ElaineCresswell ,

This is just to say “Welcome to this forum”. I am sure you will find it very useful in many ways.

Hopefuly, soon there will be posts here from others who have similar experiences to you. I hope they will offer you some support and information to help move you forward with your condition.

Best wishes.


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Hi @ElaineCresswell

There is thread here that might be relevant to your condition…

Also, as mentioned by Lorraine @EmeraldEyes , you can use the search bar at the top of the page.

Wishing you all the best.


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Hi @ElaineCresswell

I just wanted to welcome you the community. I’m sorry to hear about the pain you’re going through.

We do have some information on our webpage about post stroke pain which may be helpful for you. You can find the information here.


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