Has anyone used FitMi home therapy program

Has anyone used this program? If so did it help? Basically is it worth the money? The massive repeat missive seems logical to help reset pathways in the brain. Any thoughts?


I haven’t

But I’ve been aware of it for a long time and I am very interested in their products particularly the music glove.

There is a flint rehab group on Facebook and regularly gets good reviews of their equipment and support in terms of positive development of capability. Their blog articles are some of the best around

I have used both gripable and neurofenex neuro ball and I didn’t find either of these useful beyond the initial 5-minute wonder flash in the pan experience hence not having invested in flints products. I think that’s because they are early and unsophisticated products exploring the space and the software matches the needs of a 5-year-old not a #strokeThriver

My most useful therapy aid is a 3 ft long piece of broomstick that I first of all learnt to grasp in the middle and now use for twisting and turning my wrist and elbow (supanation pronation, flex etc), I now grip it at the end and use its weight to help rotate my wrist further



A colleague gave me this gripper to strengthen my grip. It’s very good.

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Thank you so much Simon for your very considered and intelligent response as always. I have been given the wonderful news that I haven’t had a stroke or MRI. They are now looking at my spine as the culprit of my leg weakness.
I wish you all the luck in your continuing recovery.
Helen Webb


Good news that you haven’t had a stroke & i hope they manage to find the cause of your leg weakness soon x


That’s great news – provided your don’t have on going neurological problems - in which case the lack of a specific label is perhaps less relevant.

If you’re looking for something to deal with balance and lower limb then the Nintendo Wii balance board has been reported as beenig very useful and is generally available on eBay second hand a reasonable price - certainly hundreds of dollars cheaper than the fitMe puks

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