my eldest boy is a climber and on dicharge he suggested i try the exercises climbers use to strengthen their fingers/wrists which is buckets of rice, my adaptation was to use 10kg of rice in the washing up bowl, easier for me to manage.
an example for those not familiar with the idea…
there are many variations of the exrcises, as with all thing exercise be cautious and seek advice first
[embarrrassing story] the first time I realised they where working for me was on a walk (behind my house is a country park) we where walking up the river when mother natured called (bladder not fully back at that point) so popped a squat under a bridge only to find myself sliding down the bank towards the river (whoops) my weak hand automically grabbed the bridge and held my weight until salvation could arrive ( be a great comedy sketch)
but I have found these exercises have helped my finger and wrist strength…
i did create an adaption for fine motor practice by filling up a breakfast bowl with rice and burying 10 peices of paste the using my weak hand and a teaspoon play hunt the pasta… this stemmed from my fierst attempt at a full english in the real world sunday which left me feeling i was flining food everywhere…
hope someone finds it helpful or inspiration for their own adaptations
much love to all