Going backwards

Recent fall
After my fall two days ago where I fell backwards after opening the downstairs bathroom door.
I hit a hard floor with a controlled flop catching my right arm at the elbow. Feeling very sore and my already damaged right arm is now too painful to serve me as before.

Now I’m feeling apprehensive over being outside and my determination has taken a beating.
I have church tomorrow morning so hopefully my faith will return.



Your feelings are understandable, but knowing your resilience, I’m sure you will quickly get back on the road to recovery.

I hope the soreness subsides post haste and your confidence returns stronger than ever.

Take care buddy. I am sure I am not the only one here who sympathises with you.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grin: :+1:


Hi. It’s only too easy to lose confidence when something like that happens. Been there done that! Sounds very painful. Hope tomorrow is better for you and your confidence returns. Take care


@mrfrederickson try not to let your fall knock your confidence. Difficult I know but along the recovery journey there will be set backs but each time it should be easier/ quicker to recover.

Hope the pain subsides soon & your faith returns tomorrow on your church visit.

Keep going you’re doing so well.


Thanks Mrs5k I will definitely try tomorrow once my church visit is completed my spirit may have lifted.
The body will heal in time just more pain on top of all the other pain, one gets accustomed to it sadly, reminds me of my days playing rugby at school and college.


Hi sorry to hear you’ve had a fall. It knocks your confidence for six when you have a fall, I’ve done that myself a couple of times. Hope you are feelings a bit better after your visit to church tomorrow.

I’m sure you will soon be back to your old self soon. Take care.

Best wishes and regards




I’ll be thinking about you today (Sunday) and wish you all the best.

keep on keepin’ on
:walking_man: :face_with_head_bandage: :+1:

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Cheers Bobbi and everyone who has sent messages of encouragement. Off to church for my boost of faith.



Keep us posted it is always good to hear the latest.

keep on keepin’ on
:writing_hand: :grinning: :+1:

Thanks back from church managed the steep climb and got back for a good coffee, feeling better than after the fall still wrestling with my faith on keeping on goin in the face of such imperceivable change.


We must keep our peckers up best we can. Had an interesting chat with ophthalmologist last week about those with visual problems after stroke ,they can be very diverse. In my case, peripheral vision loss on left, both eyes ,homologous stroke Got to talking about driving, I thought with a homologous stroke , right side haemorrhage it was curtains for driving. Opthalmist said no. As with all strokes none are I’d identical, may have many similarities, but subtle differences. The chances of me getting back to driving very slim with my limited field of vision but other homogenous folk may have enough to get their license back. Live in hope but be realistic.


Excellent news and hope for many of us

May you all get behind the wheel and increase your independence.

I feel it can be an option between walking with aid or succeeding without one. I furniture walk at home and use a rollator outside. For me the result of fall would be worse now that I have had a stroke. But then I miss out on some sense of progress in getting back towards normal. Well done on your achievement and succeeding. :grin:

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Hi Bibs yes I am pleased to be up on two legs stick free however my recent fall has shown me a stick is still part of my daily routine especially outside and inside of my leg is in pain.
The recent fall was attributed to loss of balance opening a door in reverse walking where I kep goin. Falling back to hit the floor.
Had I been more aware I could have thrown my centre of balance forward and counter balanced myself.


What caused your fall? Just lost your balance? I know it sounds like a stupid question but balance exercises are important for stroke patients.

I beg you to not allow this to keep you down.

My cousin had a brain injury a few months ago and falls constantly. She walks very well, and can even jog, I believe. That said, she experiences spontaneous falls from balance issues.

Please take care of yourself, Mark. Be careful!

I think that an automatic balance compensation reflex, if there is such a thing, can be affected by stroke. One assumes the reflex will kick in and it is mystifying when it doesn’t.
Maybe it can be retrained, perhaps where there is a soft floor, for safe landings.

I keep thinking padded cell.

Oh dear, oh dear.

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Hi Matthew the fall was caused by my reverse from opening a door and bringing my heavy left leg too far too fast backwards which threw my body centre out very quickly hence toppling backwards.

All a learning curve after using the stick less.


Hi Mr F.
Go back to thinking through each process. Pace and process. That’s what I do.

I thank God everyday for once being an engineer! Process is very important.
Stay well and paced! :+1: :grinning:

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Sound advice Mike just revisited the scene of my fall in the garden centre with no incident whatsoever. I’m thinking each step through plus placing the stick in each move far more accurately.


May the Great Polar Bear in the Sky bless you and his prophet Jesus

K :polar_bear: :polar_bear: :polar_bear: :polar_bear: