Getting back to my hobby

For over 16 years now my hobby was reading and I had a you tube channel called ReadAlongWith Sue.this turned into publishers sending me books to review before they were published and I could review them…I enjoyed what I used to do but I shut my You tube channel down after I had a stroke but my other online media platforms remain. I was so tired and fatigued after my stroke and depressed I thought I’d never read a book again . I’ve recently returned to reading some physical books but mostly ebooks on my kindle app and audio books. Moral is you can achieve your hobbies you may have to adapt how you used to do them maybe?


Hello @Sue1958 - Welcome to the community. Thank you for joining us and for sharing your story. Well done on setting your goals and achieving them.

Look forward to you sharing with us some of your favourite reads.

I rejoined my local library at the beginning of last year and have read quite a few books since then. I am a slow reader and it takes me a longer time than most to finish a book and on occasions I actually don’t get to the end :frowning:


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Hi @Sue1958

Welcome to the community. What a great hobby! I’m pleased to hear you’ve got back to reading since your stroke. Looking forward to any book recommendations you may have :slight_smile:


@Sue1958 Hi & welcome to the community. Great to hear that you have managed to get back to reading…something which you really enjoyed prior to your stroke.

I was an avid reader pre stroke & could always be found with a book in my hand. If I went shopping I would buy books like others buy shoes & handbags. It has taken me 3 years but I am now back reading books again too. Not as fast or as many as previously but I am just happy to be able to finish a book.

Best wishes


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Glad to hear this! Reading is good for the soul I think.
Yep relate, I’ve always veered towards book shops, charity shops for books etc

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Hello Sue,

Sorry to hear this.
Odd, but I’ve just started a YouTube channel called “Start Again”

Perhaps you could reopen yours ? now or one day soon ?
I’d love to hear a bit of reading ! Ciao, Roland


I struggle to read more than a paragraph at a time since my strokes but I I think my ADHD always made that hard! My photography has really helped me though and it gives me a reason to take a good walk each day. I would like to paint and draw but I haven’t much patience for that, I photograph whatever catches my eye and it helps a lot!


But you are doing what you enjoy so that’s good