Getting a bit braver

Just a little progress report. I am learning to recognise when I should rest. ( but don’t always do it!!)
On Monday I have a 35 min drive to meet 4 friends at a garden centre.We meet monthly but I didn’t feel up to the last get together.
I’d started getting getting anxious by this morning so did a practice run with hubby riding shotgun ( I bribed him with promise of bacon butty as I don’t have processed meat in the house but rarely).
I feel happier, only slight snag, I decided to go the back way home which is quite complex but a route I know well. Unforunately wrong tense as first half of route erased from my grey cells. A couple of missed turns it came back to me!!!
Knew I should have had a half hour rest but neighbours invited us for a cuppa and after an hour made my departure as could feel myself zoning out. I just said that and they understood.



I reckon you should take those times when stuff goes wrong as a relearning stage. Stroke involves a lot of starting over. Accepting it, saving energy for the inevitable next lesson and you will find you are moving forward.

Give yourself a chance to work it out. Mistakes are part of the learning process.

Can I order a bacon butty too please?


@Bobbi, thank you. At present I’m still finding the mysterious gaps in memory but onwards and upwards


@Bagrat that all sounds like very good progress to me. The biggest challenge is deciding to try things and understanding it won’t be the same as per-stroke.

Although life is generally good for me I have learnt to say no when I think it’ll be too much (thinking of you neighbours invite on to of the driving) maybe not immediately but over the next day or so when the brain feels the extra effort needed a bit more.


I’m trying to be sensible!! Never was before stroke so still learning!! I hadn’t thought seriously about my routine things being different, but you are so right!! Thank you.


:partying_face: Well done on your progress :clap: :clap: :clap:
If it’s a new journey route for me to drive, I go onto google maps street view first to travel the route first to familiarise myself and note landmarks. I also use it to see where I went wrong…less likely to repeat the mistake again :laughing:

It’s also a good confidence builder to do the odd “just for the hell of it” drives around to help build your confidence and stamina. The more familiar you get with both driving and routes, the more you relax into these journeys and the less fatigued you are afterwards. Thus leaving you free to do a few more things, to go for that bit longer :slightly_smiling_face:

The trouble recognising when to rest and managing your fatigue is, you don’t know your limits until you’ve tested them basically.

Stroke Improvement Group


Lorraine, such good advice.
Had to ring 999 for hubby at 8.30am .Chest pain after a short stroll wouldn’t go off. Now inside A&E but still in care of paramedics 90 mins after arrival. Pain gone off at last. I was advised to stay home by family and paramedics. So doing my breathing exercises and mindfulness!

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My return to work after mine stroke left me deeply worried can I represent how to learn, it’s a massive thing even before hand I worried about that stuff, do I recall the route, will I remember the face and it still plays on my mind but that more I do things the more sure I get on it myself.

Ultimately I’ve find this more a topic of trust and faith in ourselves than fear of what the stroke has forever taken, I recall being like this as a teen be it waiting in the town center for that first date or turning up at work the first time after I’d passed my driving test.

I felt the same relearning to tie my trainers as I did in junior school in fact I take it a huge amount of comfort from that, I’ve done this before I can do it again.


@Bagrat Hi Wendy well done on your drive. You did really well & should be very pleased wuth how it went. It will make it easier for your trip out.

Hows your hubby doing? I hope they’re looking after him & he’s soon back home with you.

Sending love to you both.

Ann xx

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@NckWhlr thank you. I get that and it’s a help for me.

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Ann, he went in at 8.40.Its a 40 min drive. Had bloods while still in care of paramedics. He got into a cubicle A&E at 1pm and is seeing the doctor but troponins up but pain has gone. So he feels better. My son is with him.
Thank you for your concern


Glad he has finally made it to a cubicle. The state of A&E these days. He’s in the right place to be sorted. Try not to stress whilst you wait more news. Easy for me to say I know.

Take it easy xx


Oh heck, that must be so distressing for you :people_hugging:
Take that good advice and stay home. Hubby is in good hands and being well taken care of. The only thing he needs from you right now is to take care of yourself and concentrate on getting yourself calm. A few distractions will help with that, go have a natter with a neighbour perhaps or make yourself a brew and phone someone for a chat. That’s what I tend to do during times of worry and stress. Coming from a large family does have its uses. Never stuck for someone to talk to🙂
I hope it goes well for your hubby and he’s back home soon :crossed_fingers::pray:

Stroke Improvement Group


@Bagrat sorry about the errors! I want to say since the stroke my autowrong has been turned on but it would be an excuse as I was like this beforehand, I meant to say I didn’t know if could learn to learn again and that was the part that really scared me silly… then I realised I’d been here before after speaking to non stroke friends most admit having similar thoughts feelings through out their lives and that has really helped to ground me :slight_smile:

I’m sure you’ll go from strength to strength. :slight_smile:


Yes some of my friends have said “but that happens to me and I haven’t had a stroke”
I try to take each day as it comes as a lot are godd and some maybe not so much, but I’m learning all the time.


What a brilliant idea, must give it a try

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