General information needed

I am a 79 year old male and had a mini stroke on the 9th September, my vision has returned to normal, but I am still suffering with tingling in my face, left cheek area, also tingling in my left arm from the elbow downwards, also my left little and ring fingers get very tingly, almost numb so I can’t straighten them and my hand feels weak, I also have had odd sensations in my left hand generally.
I know we are all different and are affected in different ways, but am trying to understand what to expect, what is normal, and how long recovery if any is likely , I also feel like I have this hanging over my head, and I am on edge waiting to see if I suffer another stroke!:frowning:


Hi @Injebreck99
Apologies for not welcoming you in yr 1st thread - New Member

But let me correct that now :slight_smile:

Hello & welcome

The welcome post answers some of what you’ve asked

The anxiety is something many of us have hiegthlened susceptibility to - even without have valid cause that another life-changing event maybe just around the corner.
For that one have faith in your medication and medical team, watch your risk factors, learn some mindfulness techniques, allow the passage of time to dull down the reactionary fight for flight response.

Mindfulness may well help you with the PTSD type reaction to what was a life threatening and it is a life altering event.

For tingling many of us are grateful when it evolves because it shows some connection between nerves and brain on the road to improvement from completely numb. Whether it will disappear or not is beyond our ability to say in your case but we can say that generally folks report either a improvement in the sensation or in their ability to live with it

You’re asking after 9 days and often these sorts of replies and questions are after 9 months or more; you are extremely early in the process. The welcome post will tell you something of time scales which generally are life long with some epochs around the 6 month post stroke perhaps.

You’ll find your fellow community members here knowledgeable and generous with their knowledge. Others will likely comment on aspects I have not and you will build a richer picture as a result.


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Thanks for the welcome and your support, I know it’s early days but I tend to deep think things so maybe I am over reacting.


It’s probably impossible to overreact!

It is however very normal to respond with emotional intensity that is counterproductive, uncontrollable and it’s not possible to have an external perspective because its viewed from within one’s own head!

Time (&reading) Will give you more perspective :slight_smile: we’ve maybe ‘shortcut’ That a bit by the words in the welcome post…


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@Injebreck99 you are very early in stroke recovery terms yet & there is every hope that all the things you are feeling will improve. Recovery is different for everyone but we generally talk in terms of many months rather than days / weeks.

Anxiety is very normal this early on. That should settle too as you start to return to normal living & you realise you are doing things & nothing bad has happened. You can never reduce the risk completely but take your meds, reduce your stress, no smoking, limit alcohol, eat healthily & exercise & that will reduce your risk as much as you can.

Best wishes
