Fully dressed and walked down stairs to the surprise of my wife

You mustn’t the reticent about reporting progress it spurs all the rest of us on


Point taken I hope so I’m never happy with my progress always can do better but like reporting on small steps


You must never think like that Mark - when you achieve something positive it makes us all on here positive too - it gives us all encouragement and the hope to do well, so keep it up! Take care, Bert


It takes courage to get better when you have a stroke. It’s easy to give up, because it seems like everything was taken from you. I used to get cross with my mother after her stroke because I didn’t think she was trying hard enough. I am sorry I did that - I didn’t understand what she was feeling inside. It was no fault of her own. I wasn’t inside her mind, but my love for her just wanted her to get better. But, sometimes, we can’t make others better; they have to want it deep inside of themselves. I couldn’t ignite the flame inside of my mother. She simply had no spark to light.

Anyways, mrfrederickson, do you realize what a big deal that is to come downstairs fully dressed by yourself when you had a stroke like you did many years ago. That is a very big deal. It’s a milestone. Who knows what you might be doing next?

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Fine as long as it inspires I don’t treat it as a points scoring game we are all in it together and only we can fully appreciate the effort to get there


@mrfrederickson we are all really happy to hear your successes. We don’t ever think you’re showing off. We are all just thrilled for you & anyone who progresses however small or large that progress is


Thanks for the reassurance. Most days are ground hog with the same pain discomfort and pot mobility so any update on good things raises mood and helps others seeing the potential in recovery.