As I finally seem to be coming out of a couple of weeks of hypertensive concern I thought I’d simply ask for treats / food / films / activities that cheer people up that you can do on a sofa.
my housemate JP has gone to Birmingham so I have no one to shout at but can watch / eat / do what the hell I want. He has left me with £20 takeaway money
So I will start with my plan:
4.00pm today Lindt Lindor chocolate and tipping point.
6.00pm wun tun soup and the news.
7.00pm hopefully a zoom chat and a couple of ciders.
8.00pm 2-3 biscuits with some mild brie and something mindless like simpsons
10.00pm news headlines and some water.
9-2am maybe a lollipop and a biscuit and I’ve just heard a good review of the film ‘sitting eating cake in a bar’ I do like cake. If I can’t get on with it then a go to something like the devil’s advocate or I.D. or the original dune!
So have a good Friday everyone and keep cool
PS for Roahld Dahl fans I saw the netflix version of the short story ‘the strory of henry’s wonderful sugar!!’ or something like that
I read the book as a young(er) man and love it as a short story - only 37 mins and polar bear recommended. Just made me a bit sad as I cn’t read books anymore - YET!!
16.23 update - lindt lindor upstaors so I’ve settled for a ferrero roche bar instead
I will be attending zog then a little free time until the grandie gets home from school, Maybe housekeeping but I hate how tired and dizzy it makes me feel. I have been watching New Amsterdam on Netflix lately, so possibly I can get a couple episodes of that in if the grandie doesn’t glue himself to Sponge Bob or YouTube. He ran out of The Simpson’s, King of the Hill, and The Regular Show to watch. As well as Malcolm in the MIddle and The Middle. He is very active but uses TV to lull him to sleep…Just about the time I am ready to watch since I also can’t read much…yet. I will either snuggle with him and watch what he is, or go watch the night sky with the dog and/or cats.
I think we’ll be watching the rugby then I’ll be heading to bed. 10 pm is more than late enough for me these days. I might just snatch a chunk of your ferero rocher bar though…love ferero rocher
How did that movie turn out? Was just scrolling through amazon prime last night and came across it, we were laughing at the stupid title of it. Was it any good?