FORUM GAMES - Place Names

To play this:

Share a place name - town, city, mountain, river or lake starting with the letter which comes after the person who posted before you.
It would be fun if you choose places from your own country.
We will work our way through the alphabet and then keep going over and over again.
note As Mahoney pointed out (thankyou) you will need to add a few words to your place name to turn it into a post. Include the text ‘Here is my suggestion:’ (or some text of your own).

So let’s begin with:

Here is my suggestion:

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Derwentwater - relaxing and peaceful.


Has a great pub for eating :rofl::rofl:

Frodssham. A town near to wher I live in Cheshire. Lilian



Hatherleigh. :sheep::pig2::deciduous_tree::chicken:……….


Well worth a visit :blush:

it all looks good to me. there’s no hard and fast rules. apart from have fun and enjoy yourself. :+1: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Jellystone Park :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Quandahar ---- I waited and waited and finally had to look this one up. Go. You’re lucky. You get “R”. :upside_down_face: :heart:Jeanne


Oh to be beside the sea :ocean:

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Let’s have a river for a change:


you could pick a place starting with the next letter


(hint some place with ‘v’ next)

Viney Hill- don’t live anywhere near it but used to


A place that I spent a lot of time working at & still don’t like the place :rofl::rofl:

Xinxiang. OK, I know it’s in China but it’s the nearest one I can find to my home!

Zanzibar (just south of Lands End)

which brings us back to A.

Arnside. Great views from the Knott

BLUEBERRY-- if we’re doing fruit.

Up in the Lake district. An expanse of water, but also a town.
