FORUM GAMES - Animal, Bird, Creature

Gerry the grazing giant giraffe

Harriet, the haughty Hen Harrier

Iggy the inquisitive impala

Jason, the jittery Jaguarundi

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Kevin & Keith the Kicking Kangaroos

Lucinda, the learned, ladylike Llama

Oh I love Lucinda she is really colourful.

Marvin the mature Mallard

Nate and Nancy, the naughty Nenes (Hawaii’s state bird and the rarest goose)

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Oliver the Original outlandish Ocellated turkey

Peter, the pouty Proboscus Monkey

Queenie the Queer Quahog

Ronda, Rachelle and Ruby, the reigning rockstar Rainbow Lorikeet Supremes

They are just the cutest :heart_eyes:

Sally the sleek Serval

She is sle e e e ek! Terry, the timid Dasmanian Devil

Ulysees the unique unicorn fish

Vincent, the vaguely vexed Vulture

Oh I love Vincent

Wilma & Wendy the wading Whimbrels

X, the Xtremely scary and Xtinct Xithactinus

Ooo don’t like him. Glad he’s extinct.

Yulia the yodeling yellowhammer

That’s such a cute picture!
Zeke, the zealous Zambezi flapshell turtle (a soft shell turtle)**