FORUM GAMES - Animal, Bird, Creature

Oh Larry does look lonely.

Monty the mighty mandrill

Nathaniel, the narrow-minded Northern Screamer

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Oscar the obedient Olingo

Perry, the preaching Pelican

Queenie the quarrelling quoll

Randy, the rust-colored Rhinoceros Beetle

Sally the sad sea lion

Timmy, the tiny and beautiful Tanager

What beautiful colours :heart:

Ursula the unusual Upland sandpiper

Vera, the velvety Vicuna

Wilbur the wild Wildebeast

Xander the xenodochial (friendly to strangers) Xantus Leaf-toed Gecko

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Yoland the yucky Yeti Crab

It has hairy arms for catching bacteria to eat apparently. Yuck.

The zany couple–Zach the Zebra and Zephyr the Zonkey

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Alison & Andrew the adoring Albatrosses

Aw-that’s cute. Bruce, the balancing Badger

Now that looks painful. Where is that branch poking :slightly_smiling_face:

Cara the cute cat who definitely got the cream

Dwayne, the distinctive, dashing Dhole (related to dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals)

Enrique the Elongated Eelpout - a bottom dwelling fish

Francine, the fun-loving Fish

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