Flu and Covid jabs

Interesting what you said: My mother had her stroke getting out of bed in the early morning hours. We’re not sure if she fell, or if she had a spontaneous brain bleed. There were no bruises on her head, so we’re thinking it was spontaneous because the bleed was very deep in her brain. Her stroke was from having severely low platelets in her bloodstream. But, again, we don’t know anything for sure.

As far as flu vaccines, again, it’s up to the person. I really don’t have the answers. I just know that my mother’s doctor was against her getting vaccines because of her autoimmune blood disease (aplastic anemia).

Take care.

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Hi Simon your post really made me smile! You have such a wonderful way wx words and you obviously research everything! You are a marvel! I’m still undecided but think I’ll wait to see if this new variant gets worse. The trouble is the drs don’t know what caused my stroke and that , for me, is worrying. I agree that it is a case of risk but I think I’ll take my chances. I’ll have the flu jab but hold on the Covid and see what happens. I just know that I couldn’t face this journey again as I’m still not anywhere near the end of this one many thanks for your thoughts love sue x



You also have a good way of putting a perspective across but not being over the top so thanks.

And I fully agree!! Simon always comes up with something to help

@SimonInEdinburgh - luv ya mate


No, the trouble is, all it takes is for a tiny bit of scab, from something as small as paper cut even, to get into your bloodstream to cause a clot that can cause you to have a stroke. Ok, the odds are minute but that’s why doctors won’t always know why you had a stroke. Just like they know people get cancer/are at risk of getting cancer but they don’t know why they get it. Just as they don’t know why some people have adverse side effects to certain medications whilst others don’t. It’s just another of life’s great mysteries.

I respect and appreciate your reasons for not having the booster, and no one says you have to have it! You just be sure to keep yourself safe by taking all the usual precautions against covid and you’ll be fine.


Thanks for your msg emerald. I will take care love suex


Thanks so much . I really like “ talking” with people here. You are all so helpful and kind . Love sue x


Hi @Suzywong! I had my first TIA 12hrs after my 1st COVID jab. I have this year’s in October. I’ve told the Vax centre and they still made an appointment. I’m happy but a nagging doubt at the back of my mind. I try and keep it in perspective. Not easy. I could fall down the stairs, get hit by a car etc too. Thanks for your post.
Kind regards, Ian.


Hi Ian,

There are times when it might not be a good idea to get a vaccine - for example, people with certain autoimmune diseases, weak immune systems right after stroke, heart attack, etc. It’s just my opinion. But for everyday healthy folk - I am for it, most of the time.

It’s great to see that people on here have different perspectives, but go about sharing it in a respectful and caring way. You don’t see that on other forums.

As I’ve said before - do what YOU think is right for you.

Take good care.


Hello @Matthew. Thanks for that. Feel a bit more positive now😊. In a fog just now so difficult to think of anything thing else to say. Appreciate you making the effort to reply👍 Regards, Ian.


Thanks @sunnyday. Encouraged by that. :slightly_smiling_face: Ian.


Here’s what the SA said in 2022 about; for anyone who hasn’t read it:

Stroke risk and vaccines

Can Covid-19 increase my risk of a stroke?

Covid-19 gives you a 20 times higher risk of a stroke in the first few weeks after having Covid-19. Your risk stays slightly high for about a year after infection. This was discovered through research funded by the Stroke Association. You can read an article about this research.

Hello All,

Just to report I had my covid booster 5 last week as I think I’ve already mentioned and had no discerning side effects…

Today I had my flu jab and will report back

Keep cool :polar_bear: :wink:


Had soreish arm for 36 hours post covid. (about 10 days ago)

Nothing post flu! (4 days)


:polar_bear: :wink:

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Hello all, hope you are all diddling ok as can be. Wife and I are having our Flu Jabs tomorrow then Covid Booster on Sunday!

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