I had my stroke 5 years , I find it difficult to make friend ,,my right arm has gone but my left arm is ok.i suffer from tiredness and thoughts .?
Hi Callie,
I had a stroke nearly 6 years ago. I too, am affected down my right side, with foot drop, weak hamstring and arm weakness. My right side is improving with exercise, but my hand is pretty rubbish. Various exercises classes (aquarobics, gym, swimming) all get me out of the house and meeting people and help counteract depression. It does make me tired, but a 15 minute 'power nap' is usually enough to get me going again. I'm happy to compare notes if it will help.
Im very similar, time wise, but left side affected. The exhaustion and tiredness are not improving at all. Given up trying to make friends (even joined a dating site), and just remain in my ever decreasing circle. Im not sure the tiredness will ever improve, along with many other defficiancies, so its just day to day. I try to keep as active as my disability will allow, but compared to my previous self, its very frustrating. All you can do is YOUR best.
Hi, it's very frustrating, but I do go for long walks , tired all the time , but I say go to , art galley , duthie park , some time just a walk into town helps a lot ,,,,