First stroke

I had my first stroke on Sunday and feel I have been very lucky with being left with reduced feeling on my left side and slight ataxia. Am really missing being able to drive as I live out of town and my husband has a broken humerus and can’t drive either. :cry:. Really hate putting on our son and his wife, not coping well with the tables being turned!


Hi Stuch–Welcome! Try to use your left side as much as possible, and practice reading out loud (all kinds of words and “tongue twisters” if you can. ) It’s with use that the brain relearns what it’s lost and builds new nerve pathways. After my stroke my daughter would often bring over a casserole for dinner, something that we could eat off of for several meals. At first, it did feel odd having her do for us. It’s always been the other way around! But, bless her, the things she did for us not only helped a lot , but added to my healing (so good to feel cared for.) If helped us feel as though we had a support system behind us. And I began to realize that my daughter really enjoyed being able to give back and do good. Sometimes we have to sit back and let others have a chance to express their love and kindness. None of us survives alone. We need others, and we need to be willing to let them in and let them know how special and appreciated they are. You and you husband will be in my prayers tonight. :heart:Jeanne


Wow, why can’t I ever write like that. No matter how hard I try I can’t convey that depth of warmth and wholesomeness, like words within a hug :blush:


Hi @Stuch welcome to the forum. What more can I say after Simon and axnr911. I’m sure to see you around the forum where I’m sure we’ll talk some more.

In the mean time don’t waste your tears, you’re just a new born stroke survivor with 6 months of potential recovery ahead of you. And hope some in just over the next 6wks. So take heart and try to relax and and let your brain just concentrate on recovery :people_hugging:


Welcome @Stuch. My stroke was recent too. Can’t really add to what’s been said already. This is a great place to be with lots of knowledgeable people. As @SimonInEdinburgh read posts etc here there’s great information to be found.



Hi Stuch and a big welcome to this forum. There’s not a lot left to say and I echo everything our great contributors have already said.

We are a merry band of stroke survivors, always here to offer our words of wisdom and support and advice if you need it.

Look forward to hearing from you and best wishes for your recovery.

Regards Sue


Thank you everyone for responding. This really is a warm and welcoming place to be. I’m now off to read past posts!!


@Stuch just popping by to add my hi & welcome. Hope you find this a supportive place to be.

Learning to accept help from others is tough but it gets easier. I still hate being a burden (well that’s how i see it) on others but they tell me they don’t mind. In my experience most people are usually happy to help.

The driving will come back…enjoy being looked after in the meantime.

Best wishes



Hi stitch and welcome to the community no one wants to be a part of. You are welcome to tell or ask us anything as most of us have usually had some experience and are willing to share . Take care regards suzywong