Fighting for a fit note following stroke

Fighting my GP every month to get a fit note for work to be able to get my sick pay

Stroke affected my speech but I still have to ring. Paralysed on right side, housebound, can’t walk 20 metres but the GP insist I get the 3-4 miles round trip to collect a fit note from them. Even though I’ve provided them a SAE.
Have to ring them every time, even though I absolutely struggle to speak
Therapists tell me not to move GP because of ongoing therapy and hospital appointments
Incredibly frustrating
Have written to them numerous times explaining problems but GP not listening


It’s so sad how NHS services differ so much from area to area, there’s just no standard even for the basics.

You can put in a complaint about your gp service to [Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

You have the right to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment or service, and this is written into the NHS Constitution on GOV.UK.

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We are housebound, I was also bed bound when first I arrived home from hospital two years ago.

The doctors receptionist is forever summoning me to an appointment in the surgery.
I simply do not attend explaining that a practice nurse must come to us.
A few days ago an actual doctor turned up on our doorstep to examine me. That is the first time I’ve seen a doctor in the two years since leaving the hospital.
We have had to be very firm insisting that the effects of stroke have left me immobilised. We now get a practise nurse visit to deal with most things.
A stroke is not a short term ailment, it is a long term condition, you should be dealt with accordingly.
There are a number of bodies who might be able to help you with methods of dealing with what is a very difficult time.

I wish you all the best, you deserve a fair deal.


Thanks for that. I had no idea who I could launch a complaint to.

It’s like banging my head against a brick wall, so exhausting and totally frustrating - especially since I can barely speak and am soooo fatigued



Receptionists, being the first line are very, thick skinned and will try to not give an inch. Avoid being abusive, try to firmly say what needs to be said, though I realise your condition will make things all the more problematic.
I f you could get someone to speak on your behalf the message might eventually penetrate.

Stress the problems you face and they must recognise that they will have to make allowances.


Hi @soulbanshee

On the presumption that getting a fit note is indicative of where you live I E north of the border you should probably have a chest heart and stroke Scotland liaison nurse. I did and very useful she was too.

PALS was suggested and that is an England mechanism if you are north of a border ours is called PASS Patient Advice and Support Service | Care Information Scotland

If I’ve made an incorrect deduction then this won’t be relevant…



Thanks. I’ve had the occupational therapist, social link prescriber, and my daughter ring the GP surgery and got nowhere. I’ve written to them since I can’t speak well. I’ve rung to speak to receptionists and the doctors secretaries to try and get someone to listen and they just don’t care.

I’ve just written to PALS to raise a complaint

If I can’t get a fit note by 15th, it won’t be considered by work for sick pay this month. That means I’ll lose my sole source of income, so I’m hoping they get their act together


This is appalling
… and I’m waiting for a doctor’s note to claim for a grant to continue my physio sessions. Still, your urgency is much greater, I really think it’s a disgrace how you’re (not) being seen to with your fit note. Good luck, Roland

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If you have deficits have you investigated pip? Is not means tested is awarded when you qualify through your medical condition.

There’s a lot of support available. Kieran put together a thread at
Extra help and concessions


Ps if you have just written to pals then I guess you are in England or Wales.


Yes, England

I applied on the phone for PIP in Feb but only got a form in April. Someone filled it in for me and I sent to back about 10 days ago

I’m on work SSP, I applied for ESA, had to sign a contract but haven’t had any payment yet - no letter sent out to me yet


Good shout Simon.
With the details mentioned, pip should be granted.

@soulbanshee don’t be put off by any pip horror stories you may come scross. It isn’t always as painful as it’s made out and hopefully where it’s straightforward, it will hopefully be resolved relatively quickly (in so much as it ever is).
The outcome is divided into 2 parts with the potential for payments under both, depending on things like walking distance and help needed around the house


@soulbanshee what a palaver for you. I assume you aren’t able to request a fit note online and they can’t send one via text? Thats how I did mine & it took the stress out of it a little. GPs are able to isdue a note for up to 3 months so perhaps request a longer note if you can. Might help a little.

Hope you get it sorted.


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This is shocking, I was initially only given a 2-week sick notice by the hospital but I was advised to speak with my GP and request the longest period note they could give me, which was 3 months. My SA advisor offered to intervene if I didn’t have any luck but I was fortunate, and they have since never queried my requests including sick notes to cover any phased return to work. I do hope your GP see’s sense, I don’t really understand how they can be querying your fitness to work, so perhaps you need to seek another opinion.


I was in hospital due to the stroke, five times between November 2023 and Match 2024, and it was even almost impossible to get discharged from hospital with a sick note. Several times, I asked and re-asked for one, and had to ask my GP for one. It’s been a complete battle n- even harder than regaining my speech and use of my right side again.
It shouldn’t have to be this hard!


Is there some element of your story like your recoveries have appeared very quick or something

Because I haven’t heard of #StrokeWarrior having so much trouble - I definitely heard of people getting really bad and occasionally really good treatment.

Have you contacted citizens advice or local stroke support groups? have you rung the stroke association helpline.)



The local Citizens Advice is hard to get hold of except by phone and I’m not good on the phone with my speech. I don’t know of any local stroke support groups. I’ll have a word with the Occupational Therapist next time she calls to see me

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You might be able to locate a local support group via

But these are only groups of that have registered with the stroke association there will be others who aren’t affiliated (for reasons)


Ah, nothing within 20 miles.~

There’s a stroke awareness course for stroke survivors I know of near me, but the earliest I’ve been able to book a place is October


But the organiser Will know about the other stroke endeavours in your locality - everybody who wishes to avoid 'administrative overheads’ will be independent.


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I would write to the practice manager to make a formal complaint. If your stroke was more than 6 months ago you should remind them you are legally considered to be disabled under the Equality Act 2010 and you are formally asking them to make reasonable adjustments to meet your needs due to your disability. This includes making adjustments due to your speech and mobility impairments. You can also ask them if their surgery has implemented the use of the reasonable adjustments flag on their record system, and if so to include the adjustments you need - home visits.