Feeling the cold

Haha :laughing:

Thanks, he looks mischievous :slight_smile:

Mechanic has in cars or mechanical engineer in some other field?

Iā€™ve been thinking about a thread on "What skills do we have that are invisible through our postsā€ I think Iā€™ll start one :slight_smile:

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I started on cars now i am repairing lawnmowers as i can not manage the car repairs Rrnie is my little mate he kept me sane while i was at home recovering


Kewl :slight_smile:
(I believe that spelling is cooler than cool :grin::sunglasses:)

I had a couple of petrol lawn mowers that needed repairing / servicing but I couldnā€™t find repair locally so I gave them to the junk guys who were knocking on doors last summer and I bought a battery operated one that I can use one handed although my affected hand is slowly slowly slowly gaining more capability.


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The rechargeable battery mowers are becoming more popular they just need to make the batteries last longer


Your core temperature is usually 36Ā°C to 39Ā°C. That drops a couple of degrees in the evening/when it goes dark, to help you fall and stay asleep. This is a natural response due to the lack of exposure to light and lets your body know itā€™s time to rest. Your temperature then starts to rise toward morning, preparing your body for wakefulness.

Youā€™ll notice this body temperature drop more so in winter because the external temperature is colder anyway and the nights are darker for longer. I suppose you could say we go into semi-hibernation mode :smirk:

In the summer months are just too grateful for any temperature drop when weā€™re in a heatwave, so we donā€™t really notice it as much :sweat_smile:

Think about it, whatā€™s the first thing people suffering hypothermia want to do, that they shouldnā€™t . . . sleep!


I never thought of it like that :thinking:


Have you ever noticed that, regardless of how cold you are going to bed, you can wake up sweating? :sweat_smile:

Amazing what a 13.5 tog duvet can do!


Wondering if I should have bought a 15 tog thoughā€¦ :cold_face: :snowflake:

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I have a 15 tog in reserve that I bought when we had ā€˜The Beast From the Eastā€™ a few years back! However I will be glad if I never have to use it again!


Yes I very much feel the cold and always wear thermal vests or several parts of clothing gloves and neck warmer sometimes in bed :joy:

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same here iā€™s on bisoprolol too. In the colder months my hands are like ice. hand warmers help a lot as well as gloves


I do where thermalā€™s when I am outside and about. I have just bought a heated vest. I am not to bad when it is dry and frosty. But when it is damp like it is at moment is when I feel the cold the most


Hi, yes I do notice the cold more post stroke and also taking Bisoprolol which combined with Clopidogrel really turns the body temperature down. As you comment I also go to bed feeling the cold but wake up in the early hours wringing with sweat. Roll on the spring. Jerry.


Hi Jerry
I think you said you were going to speak to your GP at the beginning November about whether you could change meds ?

I guess if youā€™re on the Clopi still the conclusion was you were best off with what you had?

Iā€™ve been on bit since the start but I gave up the bisoprolo because it took my heart right down to about 44 and I was getting a postural change effects

Right gotta go time for the Thursday zoom :slight_smile:
Have fun Have a good Christmas


Hi Simon, I have no problems with Bisoprolol and my Consultant said it would be detrimental to stop the Clopidogrel as the proā€™s far outweigh the cons. I will have to make sure I donā€™t fall off any ladders in the new year. Anyway have a great festive season and donā€™t forget next year will be better. Christmas wishes Jerry.


Hi there, yes I do , my feet in particular. Iā€™ve taken to wearing bed socks like a granny!!! Regards suzywong


Me too i am seven and a half years post stroke. I am feeling the cold more this winter i think itā€™s because it is so damp

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