Extremes of the weather

The first one is me & Bob @Bobbi . I thought this was cold.

But this is really cold

How’s your weather today? :cold_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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We had some snow this morning…not forcast though :face_with_spiral_eyes: i think it has been about minus 1 today but sun has been shining.

We are meant to be getting -5 later in the week. Brrrrr :cold_face::cold_face:

Compared to -41 though i’ll take it :grin:


Bright sunshine but very cold (2c). Too cold for me to be out. I felt the cold even when I had to open my front door for about 30 seconds to receive my meds delivery. I am glad my meds came today because snow is forecast for tomorrow and the driver may not be able to get up the steep street if it snows!


It is bitter cold 10


Frigid. -14C It will be much nicer next week. Keep warm!

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You are about the same as me…but we are not all that far from each other.


We got a dusting of the white stuff. If I was going to go out and measure the deepness it would be 2 snowflakes high. Temperature atm 0°C Bit chilly. :thinking: :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Hello HH,
I’m up north too. Snowed. My wife’s working from home today, the roads are crazy.

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I was once in Moscow for New Year, in the 90’s, it was -25 to -30 degrees C. The wind bit your face. I walked with my head down the whole time. I remember seeing young soldiers breaking up the ice on Red Square. Russians have double windows, so their apartments are toasty warm. You dress for outdoors after filling up on vodka and borsch.

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I remember the winters in Montreal at the end of the 70s - not sure they were minus 30 but they were definitely biting particularly if you were dumb enough to breath in through the nose ! the nose hairs froze together!!

And isn’t everywhere in England down south?
It is from here :slight_smile:

We had a dusting of snow on Monday When the snowflakes fell they were about 3 ft apart but they didn’t melt until the next day so we’ve really had nothing yet - although they’ve had varying amounts of snow north south and west of us


We have got 4 feet and freezing


Yikes! Our temps are creeping back upward now. About an inch of snowfall which we would call a dusting here. The cold weather has not done my pain any favors. Wish I had something stronger than Tylenol (acetomenophine) for it. My sister is going to try to help me get someone to listen to me about the pain, or send me to a pain management specialist. She doesn’t take no for an answer, and refuses to be ignored. I am uncertain if they just don’t know what to do for it, are afraid to prescribe something more potent, are concerned with side effects with my other issues or meds, or just don’t trust I am not a drug addict. Septic Endocarditis caused my strokes. One of the causes of that is IV drug use. I can’t tell you how many times they asked about that. Other reasons are hospital acquired staph or strep infections, oral surgery or other dental procedures or issues, and likely, but not proven in my case, congenital birth defect, then hospital acquired staph. If I get asked again, I might just ask them if they are carrying staph, strep or COVID around to their patients. OOPs! Mean me slipped out… Get back in there you wicked witch!

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And not far to you yanks probably means the width our country…or maybe the length :laughing: You know I’m only teasing :blush:


It is still very cold today.
The good news is that it is forecasted to be 10C higher on Sunday (both day and night) than it has been in the last 24 hours.
That will do nicely. :smile:


Oh yes. It was -6 at 7 am today and it is meant to be 14 on monday. I’ll not be complaining. :grin:


Does anybody else find the cold tightens up all their affected side muscles?

I get a very significant increase in handbag arm and my affected leg swings in an arc rather than travels in a straight line through the knee line


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