DVLA sight test

I have my test at Specsavers tomorrow. Am I right in thinking that it is the one where you sit in an enclosed booth and you press a button when you see a flashing light ? Think I’d better get an early night in, I’m really not looking forward to it.


@clibbers1 good luck for your sight test. When I had mine I had a proper sight test & then the field vision test - where you press a button each time you see a flashing light. I wasn’t sat in a booth but was in a room with my chin resting on the machine & had to look at a light directly in front of me then press when i saw lights.

I was allowed to do the test 3 times & i think they used the best one. I was also allowed to pause part way through.

I did mine in the early days after my stroke & I was really worried about it & still feeling quite out of it. Despite this i met the required standard.

Try not to worry & best of luck. They didn’t give me the results i had to wait to hear from DVLA.


Thank you, I have a pair of shiny new glasses, hoping they will help :grinning:


I did mine 3 times as well and was convinced I had failed especially as my husband who was sitting behind me said I had missed some lights! I found it quite tiring as you really need to concentrate.
No if you ask Specsavers how you got on they won’t tell you. Just have to wait for the post!


I passed! Specsavers were quite happy to tell me straightaway. It took 2 attempts, as I was so focussed on the peripheral lights, that I missed a few right in front of my nose the first time. The second time I only missed one. Off to take some remedial driving lessons now, amazing how you can lose your confidence in such a short period of time.


That’s fantastic news. Really pleased for you. xx

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:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: Yaaay :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Congratulations :smile: Good Luck in your drive to freedom :partying_face: :shamrock: