Doughnut Judge Me

I very much relate to your comments to Matthew. I take Duloxitine for anxiety and depression. I may need to up the dose soon as it isn’t working as well as it was with the depression. I feel on the verge often. The not following through part is beginning to fail me.

I have high hopes for your therapy and most especially for you and for your family. I feel as if I and likely you, have been through the gamut of emotions…anger, sadness, pain, apathy, empathy…annoyance seems to be the one I most often feel, but for awhile the apathy and the anger fell into that category.

I know this therapy must be very hard, and sharing how it is going, as well. I hope that you will find it very helpful, and that others who need it will as well. I gave up trying to find a therapist. If I happen upon one, I want who does the type of therapy you are going to.

I have been using self taught CBT and do find it helpful, but I think a bit of talk therapy would be even more helpful.


Favourite doughnut? Hmmm, tricky question, I could eat the sugar coated ones all day but tend to switch between custard filled and jam filled, but like them warmed through. Don’t buy the icing ones but wouldn’t knock one back if offered. The pumpkin spice one I tried from the doughnut cafe was delicious.


An eclair or churro I would say.

DOH :rofl:

So obvious when you read it but I hadn’t managed to anticipate your answer


I’ll take one of each :slight_smile:

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I have to specify that I have had post stroke anxiety but it has mainly been about the potential for another stroke or if I feel a particularly uncomfortable feeling. In my early thirties, I saw a clinical psychologist who specialised in CBT, this was to overcome panic attacks, and although I took away with me some useful tools in managing them, they didn’t cease. It’s important to find a therapist who is a right fit, I tried several before finding the one I am seeing now. We are all human beings after all, and I see therapists as people who can help me, help myself.


I wanted to write my reply to you as matter of factly as possible to exaggerate the gravity of our discussion. :laughing:


It is certainly No laughing matter!